Sunday, 27 March 2016

Sunday Selfie

Happy Sunday!

If you celebrate Easter then I hope you're having a good one. Don't eat too many Easter eggs though - and cat friends, don't eat any! Remember, chocolate is very bad for felines. Also, make sure you keep away from lilies. Tell your owner/guardian/parent/human not to have any in the house.

I think I'm going to take it easy today and let Mum eat her chocolate egg while I just take a nap. Hope I get extra treats later!


The Whiskeratti said...

Happy Easter.

Summer said...

Even though my human's boyfriend is out of town this weekend, he made sure my human got a dark chocolate bunny in the mail in time for Easter! But... how come he didn't send me any Easter cantaloupe? I hope you and your human have a nice day!

The Swiss Cats said...

Happy Easter ! Purrs

Little Miss Titch said...

Happy Easter,xx Speedy

meowmeowmans said...

Happy Easter, Athena! Enjoy your nap, sweet one. :)

Hugs to you and Mum!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Lovely selfie! Enjoy your treats. :) Happy Easter!


Happy Easter and Sunday Selfie!
Annabelle, Boo, Ping, & Mr Jinx

CATachresis said...

I am sure you will, Athena!!! Lovely Easter selfie x0x

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy Easter Athena!

Photo Cache said...

Happy Easter!

Emma and Buster

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

Happy Easter to your and your mum.

Anonymous said...

Yur lookin so cozy an relaxed Brian! LadyMum eated a few littul chocolate eggss an then shee helped mee with mee bloggie....hope you can stop bye an check out mee funny Selfiess....
Hoppy Happy Easter to ALL of youss'!!!
****paw patss***** Siddhartha Henry an {{{hugs}}} LadyMum

Anonymous said...

LADYMUM thiss iss NOT Brian iss Athena!!!! Mee-you Athen pleeze furgive LadyMum shee gotted confused.....**shakess head**

Unknown said...

Happy Easter! Denise & ~Shasta

The Menagerie Mom said...

I think you've got the right idea, Athena. I hope you get lots of snoozies in today! Happy Easter to you and your mom!

pilch92 said...

Happy Easter to you and your Mum.

The Island Cats said...

That's a very nice selfie. Happy Easter to you and your mum.

The Daily Pip said...

Chocolate eggs are the best! Lovely selfie

Dash Kitten Crew said...

Our human loves chocolate too.

Furries said...

Happy Easter Athena. Enjoy your nap.