Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Wordless Wednesday: Loving Feline Bozita Indoor & Sterilised Tetra Pak!

Happy Wednesday!

Enjoying some Bird TV while Mum types out this blog post

If you remember a few months back Mum was concerned that I was eating nothing but dry cat food and decided to change my diet. She tried many wet foods but I have to say I hated all of them. Then she heard about Bozita from Sweden. She ordered some from Zooplus  and because I quite liked it she now buys it in bulk. 

I know I've posted about how I love Bozita before on this blog but I think I'm loving it more and more now, so I wanted to show you just how much with a new video (see below). I asked Mum to add music to the soundtrack but in the end she left it as it is because she likes the sound I make when I eat. Unfortunately, you can also hear the creaky floorboards in our lounge as Mum moves about trying to balance herself while kneeling down with the camera (to get a good vew of my cute self gulping down the tasty food!)

This is not a sponsored post by the way - we just wanted to post a review because we like to share great cat products on this blog.

The Bozita Feline range of wet food is a Swedish high quality cat food, based on carefully chosen raw ingredients such as fresh Swedish meat. It's really tasty and smells great! The one I eat is this one.

Bozita Indoor & Sterilised Feline Tetra Pak Chicken

Why is Bozita good for your cat?

  • It's a complete cat food for all stages of your cat’s life containing all the nutrition your cat needs such as amino acids, vitamins and minerals.
  • It has up to 93% meat content containing only fresh meat
  • You can choose from 16 different tastes in chunks in jelly or chunks in sauce. 
  • There are no artificial colourings, flavourings or preservatives
  • It is enriched with Macrogard®, which assists in strengthening the cat's immune system by stimulating the white blood corpuscles to give your cat better protection against alien and harmful organisms inside its body. 
  • Sugar  free
  • Wheat gluten free
  • Soya free
  • Low fat
  • It's produced in Sweden with strict inspections of quality and function and with the highest quality of raw materials

Bozita is also good for the environment. The Tetra Recart® environmental packaging is easy to open and reseal without the need for any tools, and once it's empty it can be recycled. 

If you fancy trying Bozita out for yourselves check out the Bozita website to find out more. 

And don't forget to check out the video of myself enjoying Feline Indoor & Sterilised Bozita.

The video below was recorded two months ago and most of you may have seen it before. 


  1. I'm glad you found a wet food that you like! I am like your mum--I love the sound of my kitties eating.

  2. Athena, your licky sounds are adorable! Too bad Bozita is not yet available in the US; I like the recyclable package!

    1. Let's hope it is soon available, though we are sure there are similar products available there.

  3. Glad she likes it and how great that the packaging is also environmentally friendly.

    1. Yes, it's great that it's environmentally friendly as well :)

  4. That must be good, you really gobbled it up. They should send you some for free for advertising. :)

  5. Athena, we loved the video of you eating. You really do love that Bozita! :)

    Hugs to you and Mum!

    1. She loves it, but I think it's the jelly she likes more. But slowly slowly we're getting there :)

  6. It certainly looks like she loves that food!! I'm glad she's enjoying it. If it came in pate, I'd definitely try it for Carmine and Lita. When I give them chunks or fillets, or shreds, they just lick the gravy off and leave the meat.


Thank you for commenting!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie