Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Adopt a Cat #charitytuesday

As a rescue kitty I want to help other rescue cats find their forever home, so we are continuing our new weekly feature for Charity Tuesday, sharing adoptable cats from Wood Green, the Animal Charity (which is where I was rescued). We are so grateful to this amazing charity because without them we would never have found each other! It's also one of the main charities we support.

THOMAS (photo: Wood Green)
THOMAS is a friendly, affectionate boy whose two favourite things are uddles on a lap and basking in the sunshine. He is inquisitive and likes visitors as he gets a bit of extra fuss and attention. Although he loves people, he is wary of young children, so he would prefer to share his new forever home with older children and adults only. If you are interesting in finding out about him click on his profile here.

DAPHNE (photo: Wood Green)
DAPHNE says she came to the shelter through no fault of her own. She finds the shelter stressful and would love someone to come and take her to her forever home. She can be a great big bundle of joy and really loves to have a fuss. If you feel you can offer her a home find out more about her by clicking on her profile. 

EBONY AND IVORY are brother and sister and would like to find a forever home together. Watch the video of them below and if you think you could offer them both a home get in touch with the Wood Green Heydon centre.

For more cats waiting to be rehomed at Wood Green click HERE 


All proceeds from this bag and book will be donated to animals in need.

Proceeds from the sale of this mug will be donated to animals in need

Disclaimer: We are not affiliated with the charity mentioned in this post in any way. We just want to help spread the word for animals in need. 


  1. I hope these kitties find homes!

  2. Such beauties. I hope they all get forever homes soon and Ebony and Ivory can stay together.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing these sweet babies, Athena and Mum. We are purring and praying for forever homes, and we will share!

  4. I will share the cats for you!! Did you get our message sent via your web page?


Thank you for commenting!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie