Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Wordless Wednesday: No More Mr Catnip Mousie

No more Mr Mousie!

I have grown bored of Mr Catnip Mousie. Really, I have lost interest in him and Mum here is trying to get me interested again. As you can see she is dangling him from his tail (poor thing). But I don't care anymore. He is major boring.

wordless wednesday

cat ignoring toy

It's true that I once was crazy about Mr Catnip Mousie. At least crazy about playing with him as you can see from these videos on my YouTube channel.


 We had lots of fun together

 Even made this cartoon of us playing together



  1. Maybe the mousie needs to be marinated in some more catnip?

  2. I think you are feigning disinterest... it's a cat and mouse game! BOL!


  3. Maybe you and Mr. Catnip mousie just need a break and you will rediscover each other in a few weeks.

  4. I am sure that the moment your mom thinks it's time to get rid of the mouse because you no longer like it, that you'll suddenly be in love with it all over again!

  5. Poor Mr Catnip Mousie. Well, these things do happen.

  6. I agree with Pip! You need a break from Mr Catnip Mousie so you can miss playing with him for a while. Then, when he comes back you will go crazy for him all over again.

  7. Connor especially will lose interest in some toys. I find that if I don't bring them out everyday, that helps keep the interest high. You look so very pretty, Athena. :-)

  8. Athena, it's called sandbagging. You pretend you aren't interested...for awhile...but secretly, you are plotting to eviscerate Mr. Catnip Mousie when no one is watching!

  9. Yes, Mr. Cat will get bored of his toys in a few days. Then after some weeks he's show some interest again. Maybe you need to take a break from your catnip mousie Athena :)

  10. Maybe Mum can put the mousie away for a while, Athena, and then bring him out at another, later date. OR, maybe she could put it in a jar of catnip to "marinate" it?

  11. Maybe he needs to be re-marinated.

  12. I think your Mum needs to hide it in a drawer for a month or so then it will be like a new toy.

  13. I feel the same Athena. I used to love my mousie too, now I barely play with him! BTW Mom said to tell your Mum that this series of photos is just beautiful! Love, Cody catchatwithcarenandcody

  14. Maybe mousie needs more nip. We're sure you'll find him interesting again.

  15. Maybe if your Mom helps Mr. Mouse take flight so you can chase him across the room you might be a little more interested in playing with him.

  16. Mousie needs an extra dip in the nip, Athena ;) Pawkisses :) <3

  17. You are not alone, Athena! Manna changes which toy is her favorite every day (at least that is the way it seems). I have found that catnip toys need to be stored in a container of catnip for a little while to regain her favor.

  18. I bet if your mum puts him away for a few months and then pulls him back out you will start having fun with him again. You just need a little time apart :)

  19. Aw, rats. That happens here, too. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. A few weeks in a drawer should make the mouse love come right back.

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie


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Purrs xx
Athena and Marie