Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Adopt a Cat #CharityTuesday

As a rescue kitty I want to help other rescue cats find their forever home, so we are continuing our new weekly feature for Charity Tuesday, sharing adoptable cats from Wood Green, the Animal Charity (which is where I was rescued). We are so grateful to this amazing charity because without them we would never have found each other! It's also one of the main charities we support.

Here is a video of sweet 9-year-old Mitten, who is still waiting for a new home. We've featured her once before on this blog and as you can see, she's just lovely.

She'd really like you to check out her video below so she can show you what a special cat she is!

To find out more about this pretty girl cat visit her profile

There are many Wood Green cats looking for forever homes on my Mum's Pinterest Pet Rescue board, as well as other homeless pets from different parts of the world.

For more cats waiting to be rehomed at Wood Green click HERE 


All proceeds from this bag and mug will be donated to animals in need.

Disclosure: We are not affiliated with the charities mentioned in this post in any way.  We  just want to give something back by helping animals in need. This post does however contain some affiliate links. This means if you click on the link to purchase any of the above items, I will receive an affiliate commission. Read full disclosure policy here.


  1. I really hope Mitten finds a home soon!

  2. She is so cute!!! It will be so nice if she will find a warm loving home. A family that really going to give her the best care!!!

  3. Mitten really is a beautiful girl. We have our paws crossed that she finds her happily ever after really soon. We tweeted about her!

  4. I love this idea of a pet rescue board ... so many incredible cats need homes!

  5. She is beautiful, I pray she gets her forever home soon.


Thank you for commenting!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie