Sunday, 28 August 2016

Sunday Selfie and Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

Happy Sunday Selfie!

We're currently in the middle of another heatwave in London and all I can do is sleep so I'm afraid I fell asleep trying to take my selfie today.

Sleepy Sunday Selfie

Click here for the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

We just found out that today is also Rainbow Bridge Rememberance Day, 

So we are remembering Suzy and Molly.

Suzy was Mum's cat when she was younger. More of a family cat who came into Mum's life when she was 19 and stayed until Mum was 32. Suzy was the most beautiful black and white (tuxedo) cat and very affectionate, just like me. Mum wrote about Suzy in her memoir The Cat Years: How My Cat Soulmates Saved Me.

Suzy (1985-98)

Molly is my Uncle John's cat who recently crossed the bridge. It was actually just 2 months ago. I never met her because she lived in Sweden but Mum met her many times and said she was a very sweet kitty who always looked forward to Mum's visits. Mum always looked forward to seeing her too because before she rescued me in 2011, she hadn't had a cat companion since Suzy passed. 

Molly (1998-2016)

Click here for the Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Blog Hop


  1. Beautiful kitties. So sorry for your recent loss, but they stay with us forever. Where would we be without our precious kitties?

  2. Beautiful babies. So sorry for your recent loss.

  3. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend - stay cool!

  4. Suzy and Molly were beautiful kitties. XO

  5. We're sorry for the loss of Molly. Sweet post for those who have gone. Purrs

  6. Aww such beauties they were,xx Speedy

  7. Thank you for sharing your memories with us on this special day. Athena, we have the HOTS back again as well, and there are lots of snoozes being taken at our house, so we totally understand. Whether your eyes are open or closed, you are still a beauty. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  8. Nice sleepy selfie, Athena! Purrs to your human as she remembers today.

  9. A girl needs her beauty rest! You do it very adorably, I might add :)

  10. Thanks for sharing about the cats who came before.

  11. Lovely memories of two beautiful cats. The heatwave seems to have bypassed the Southwest!

  12. Nice selfie and nice tribute!!

    The Florida Furkids

  13. Great selfie, as always, Athena! Thank you for sharing about Suzy and Molly. They may be gone, but their wonderful, loving spirits live on always.

  14. Beautiful remembrance to Suzy and Molly.

  15. love when you share your other kitties and we love that photo of Athena! catchatwithcarenandcody

  16. *head bowed* to remember Suzy and Molly and those who left way too soon. xoxo

  17. Thank you for sharing the beautiful Molly and Suzy with us today. gentle purrs ERin

  18. Athena, it's been warm here too, so we understand why you napped during your selfie! Molly and Suzy were pretty kitties; my condolences on their passing, newly or years ago. It's hard no matter what.

  19. Beautiful kitties - thank you for sharing and for stopping by to pay respects at our blog for Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day too. Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties

  20. They are lovely pictures, we smile thorough the sadness don't we. Because we loved them!


Thank you for commenting!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie