Sunday, 11 September 2016

Sunday Selfie From Instagram

Happy Sunday! 

Thought I'd share one of my Instagram photos for today's Sunday Selfie. 

Mum is really in love with this photo. She took it the other night when we were getting ready for sleeping. I was gazing at her as she was trying to fall asleep. I stare at her like this, watching her as she tries to doze off, but I know she can feel me looking and she keeps opening her eyes to stare back. We slow-blink to each other (she always keeps a night light on, so she can see me). Her iPhone was by the bed and she hadn't turned it off so she quickly took this snap and posted it to Instagram. 

If you sleep with your human, what is your routine before nodding off to dreamland?

Sunday Selfies Blog Hop


  1. I like to make biscuits before going to sleep.

  2. That is quite a selfie, Athena, your mom is very lucky to have you by her side when she drifts off to sleep. purrs ERin

  3. Absolutely beautiful! Your eyes look so happy and peaceful.

  4. That's a lovely Selfie, Athena :) Pawkisses for a Happy Day :) <3

  5. Athena, you looks loverly today. Pawkisses and stuffs, -Katie Kitty Too.
    Most of us kitties just likes to crawl up on moms and snuggle den we snooze with her. -Lil Bear.

  6. That's a lovely photo of you, Athena. We can certainly understand why Mum loves it so much. :)

  7. That is a beautiful photo, Athena. I like to lie om my mum when she goes to bed. I rest my head on her chin and purr to her. Then I turn around and shove my butt in her face to go to sleep. I don't know why she doesn't appreciate it and says she is getting the bum deal.

    1. That's funny! Mum sometimes turns her butt to me. Not good!

      Athena x

  8. Luvley foto Athena.....Nylablue wood look at LadyMum like that all so....
    Mee not dun this yet... mew mew mew...mee mite have to try it sumtime!!!
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~

  9. I do have a routine Athena. I climb up onto mamma's chest and lay there with my arms straight in front of me...touching her neck. Mom starts petting and scritchies right away all over my cheeks, headie and pets my chest-bib and down my back. She speaks softly to me. I leave after 10 or so minutes after she turns off the light. Then I come back with my toys and leave them on the floor next to the bed or in the bed. I announce each one.

  10. Nice selfie! Mom goes to bed first....gets comfy then we all come in and move her around until WE are comfy!! It works every time!

    The Florida Furkids

  11. That is so sweet. I love the idea of creating some kind of wet nighttime ritual. Mine usually involves brushing teeth and furs. It's a binding moment, for sure, but I certainly couldn't get sweet photos like this from my grooming session. The kitties tolerate it, but they don't adore it!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

    1. Athena always gazes at me like that when she's feeling sleepy. It's an invitation for more petting and kisses from me!

      Purrs xx
      Athena and Marie

  12. Aww! Athena, you just look gorgeous and smoochable!! xxx

  13. Oh, honey, you are beautiful!

  14. that is just the sweetest! Cody will only sleep with me if I fall asleep on the couch...he never comes into bed with my husband and I (although he is allowed to), unless he is waking us up to eat! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

    1. She's been sleeping with me ever since the very first night I adopted her. She loves it, and I'm so glad! Highlight of my day (or night).

  15. Dat's very sweet bootyful Athena. We sleep with mommy every night and befur we go to sleep, we purray together and fur all our furiends.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  16. A blogger friend told me I should respond to YOUR comments on my blog by visiting YOUR blog and commenting, so here I am, and thank you for visiting me.

  17. You look lovely Happy Sunday selfie!


Thank you for commenting!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie