Thursday, 15 September 2016

Sweet Little Kitty Goddess Who Helps Her Mum Chill Out #ThrowbackThursday

It's still really hot in London and I just want to sleep all the time. I think Mum is the same, but she has a lot to do so can't nap as long as I can. She has to write posts for this blog as well as look after me. Plus, she needs to moan a lot about the heat and how much it should be autumn now and cooler. Yes, she is a moany human. Do your humans moan and complain a lot? It seems humans are really weak in this respect. I think humans are never happy unless they have something to moan about.

Wise cats know that complaining just isn't worth it. Best to focus on the moment, eat, drink, play a little hunting game, and then nap. Just nap the heat away and it'll pass.

Mum was up early doing her artsy thing for Caturday Art. She wakes up early (or rather I wake her) so she can work before it gets too hot and noisy. She'll drink a lot of coffee to stay awake and to help with the creative process. Then at around 1pm I'll make her take a nap with me for at least an hour or two. 

Hope you're all having a nice day wherever you are, and  that your humans aren't busy complaining about their rotten lot. Here's a cute photo of me to make them smile from 5 years ago. What a cute tabby kitten I was!

cute tabby kitten who helps her mum chill out


  1. Athena, you certainly were a cute kitten! And yes, humans can learn a lot from their cats, but you can't make me eat cat way!

    1. Mum would never eat my cat food because she won't touch meat!

      Athena x

  2. Aww, you were so cute then! And so beautiful now! Our weather has been nice this week, but will be hot again this weekend. Stay cool, cutie!

    1. After the thunderstorms during the night it seems much cooler now :)

  3. I love your kitten photo, Athena! And you are right about humans - they do love their complaining.

  4. You are a sweet little girl who loves and takes care of her mommy.

  5. Oh my stars, you were mega adorable! And yes, our Mom is very whiny.

  6. I complained all summer because of the heat. We finally have cooler temps- no complaints now :) You are such a cutie.

  7. What a cute little kit you were, Athena. We hope things cool down for you so your human stops complaining.

  8. KITTEN PICTURE!!! You CERTAINLY were an adorable tabby kitten, just as you are a beautiful tabby cat now :) Even better is that I know your heart is every bit as beautiful as what you show on the outside. Bear helps me too ... I wouldn't be alive with him to make me laugh and give me a reason to fight when I can't find a reason for myself.

    1. Thank you. Beautiful inside and out, that's why our pets are amazing!

  9. We moan and complain about the heat all the time!!! But right now it's blissfully chilly and we're very happy :) You were (and are) such a cutie!


Thank you for commenting!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie