The above quote means so much to my mum so she wanted to share it and explain why.
Of course, most animal lovers would agree so she doesn't need to explain. But as she is co-writer of this blog I decided to let her have her say instead of always being dictated to by me :)
Professor Noel Fitzpatrick
First, a little bit about Noel Fitzpatrick. He is The Supervet (also The Bionic Vet) - the world’s leading neuro-orthopaedic veterinary surgeon. I know that I mentioned before that I often hide when Supervet is on TV, but that's because, being a cat, I don't like vets very much. They scare me (just like human doctors scare some humans.) Some vets are great, but some I've met haven't been that nice, and well, they make us furries hurt don't they? Mum says they do it to help us feel better. Well, let's just say I know that that's what they are meant to do!
So before I hand you over to Mum, let me just say that I do admire Supervet. And I know why humans admire him too. He does great things for animals and is pure genius at what he does. Having said that, all his team seem like incredible human beings too and also deserve a pat on the back (or some purry furry hugs) for the the amazing care and respect they have for all the animals that pass through Fitzpatrick Referrals.
Here's Mum
This quote just resonates deeply with me. It's what I've always believed myself. To me animal love is the purest love. It's that strong intense feeling I get whenever I look into my sweet Athena's eyes (those all-knowing eyes of kitty wisdom), and whenever I hug her - in that moment all that exists is just me and her. One powerful super spiritual bond. Just the two of us together against the whole world, existing for each other. Soulmates forever and ever.
Most people will say (and I've had it said to me many many times) that I feel the way I do about my pets because I have never had children.
Well, sorry to disappoint, but actually I have been a mother - to my beautiful Tuxie cat Suzy. And now I am a mother to my beautiful tabby girl Athena. This love I feel is simply too powerful to put into words, but I am sure many of you animal lovers will understand.
And my cats end up saving me. They are my reason for living. It may seem over dramatic to some, a bit too Wuthering Heights, but I don't care. It's my life and this is how I want to live it.
I just want to save animals
Someone asked me the other day what it is I want to do with my life and when I said "to save animals" the look on their face said it all. This person, who I like and admire very much for various other reasons, sadly does not share my love for animals. Maybe this person thinks I'm wasting my life and should be aspiring to other "great" things (like marriage & babies, or making lots of money). But then I think to myself how sad it is that they can't experience that beautiful human-animal bond.
To most people, I may be a failure. And many times I have felt one too. But to my cats, to my amazing beautiful girl Athena, I am her world. I am someone. I rescued her. I have given her the most amazing life and she has done the same back to me.
Who rescued who?
Abandoned in someone's garden as a tiny kitten, Athena's first few weeks of life must have been horrific. But thanks to the work of the charity that rescued her, she came to me as the most affectionate little cat I have ever met. She gives so much love, her beautiful expressive green eyes always filled with emotion. And I love her SO much.
Love has always been a scary feeling for me. Maybe it's because I'm overly sensitive.
All I know is that pure unconditional love is what really makes the world go round. It is the best thing. The greatest love in the world.
That's why this quote really touched me. It's great to know others feel the same about animals. Noel Fitzpatrick totally gets how people feel about their pets. And I love how he calls them mum and dad on the show. Never refers to the humans as owners. How wonderful is that?
We are not owners. We are pet parents or guardians, or their humans. But never owners. No one should own anyone.
So yes, I admire Noel Fitzpatrick and have total respect for him. Of course I have never met him, but I do know that he is so passionate about his work and also extremely intelligent. He gives so much of his life in order to improve the lives of animals, to make a difference in this world for the sake of both animals and humans. An extraordinary human being. How many of those are currently in the world? Yes, I'm sure there are many but I'm just tired of all the evil that exists out there, and the shallowness of most people.
And I love all you guys who read and comment on my blogs. I really believe that animal lovers are the nicest people around. I am so glad I have you all in my life too. Makes me realize I am not the only one who feels so passionately about animals and it's so wonderful to be able to share the love for our animal family across the pet blogosphere.
Truly blessed
All animals matter
The quote above comes from the video Supervet:The Ethos Behind Fitzpatrick Referrals. You can click on the link to see it or view it below.
P.S. Keep watching until the end to see Noel's adorable dog Kiera. What an amazing strong bond they share! Melts my heart :)
Beautifully written. I also suffer from depression and anxiety, and my relationship with Toby and Leia are my saving grace. Sometimes I worry that they are affected too much by my ....issues... but I try to give them extra snuggles to make up for that. PS: the world needs all kinds of people to care about different things, so it all gets covered.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing that. I feel the same about Athena. I am more relaxed since I adopted her though. She's taught me not to get wound up about things. To just be. She's also taught me the benefits of an afternoon nap :)
DeleteI've been a fan of Dr. Fitzpatrick ever since I caught one of his episodes on TV. Although I do not like to watch surgery scenes, I am fascinated by the way his mind works. Depression is a tough road; no one experiences it the same way. And I thought that I loved my kitties, until we were hit with the fact that Chuck is terminally ill with a bad heart, and that's when the full depth of my feelings for him were exposed. And then there is Patty O'Malley, the Athena look-alike who wandered into our yard years ago, and he walked straight into my heart. I did not grow up with pets; our cats came along just after my father passed away. I like to believe that he would have enjoyed their company.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing. Yes, Noel certainly is a fascinating human being.
DeleteYou are right about depression not being the same for everyone. With me I just want to shut myself off from human contact for a while and recharge my batteries. Being constantly anxious is exhausting, but my sweet baby Athena always helps. I feel that maybe I should only be with animals then I won't be so anxious.
What a wonderful post.
ReplyDeleteHad not heard of him but will be on the look out. He sounds very wise.
Noodle and crew
Thank you, Noodle. I will be blogging more about other people who have made a difference to animal lives soon.
DeleteAbsolutely LOVE this post!!! I have heard of him but I love how you presented him, and your love of animals! I am with you, I prefer animals to people ANY day! catchatwithcarenandcody
ReplyDeleteThanks Caren. Was so worried about posting this at first. I am a very private person but sometimes there's that post that's eager to be written and won't let you go:)
DeleteWhat sweet wisdom your human has, Athena. Love and compassion for animals is so important. I think it is the most important thing because it is the one kind of love that comes completely without judgement. And yes, that includes parent-child love (as my human knows all too well).
ReplyDeleteThank you, Summer. Animals are the best!
DeleteI need to see his show, he sounds wonderful. I have never wanted kids, but I do feel a strong bond with my cats which I am sure is as strong as a parent-child relationship.
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly how I feel. For some reason I just can't bond with kids. Maybe it's because they're human, LOL!
DeleteHowever, I'm sure some kids are sweet. One of the reasons I don't want kids is the thought of how awful this world is. I don't want to bring another soul into that.
This is a beautiful post, Athena and Mum Marie. So wonderfully insightful, and so, so true.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much :)
DeleteWhat a beautiful post, Marie. I often say I wish I could live in an animal world; I would much rather be with them than humans any day. I never had kids either. I don't have a maternal instinct in my body for two-legged babies, but four-legged babies are a whole other story!
ReplyDeleteI so agree, Melissa. I just can't feel the same way about two-legged babies but when I see a cute little animal my heart melts and I get all protective :) Of course if I ever did happen to have a human child I'm sure I would be a good mother, but it doesn't bother me that I've never had one. I'm a cat mum. That's the reason why I'm here.
DeleteYou have mentioned Fitzpatrick previously but not living in the U.K. I hadn't heard of him. It is very late right now so I plan to watch the video tomorrow. I have found pet parents to be the most caring, loving and compassionate individuals and feel honored to be part of the pet blogosphere. I am so happy Athena chose you and can help when you are depressed. We'll be back in the morning for the blog hop. Hugs, Janet
ReplyDeleteThanks, Janet. I agree. Pet parents seem to be the most compassionate people and I'm so glad to be part of the pet blogosphere too. I finally feel a part of something :)
DeleteI've said just about everything you've said at one time or another. Most people tell me Bear is lucky because he was hungry and homeless and I gave him a home. They assume I rescued him. But the truth is, I owe him my life. He gave me a reason to fight for a life I wasn't entirely sure I even wanted. He's saved me every day for the past 10 years and healed the savage cruelty inflicted by the humans in my life. He's loved me even when I couldn't love myself ... he always takes that last step to close the distance and make sure I know I'm not alone. He's laid on me to "ground" me from the nightmares of PTSD. I wrote a note on our Facebook page about this very subject earlier this year (
ReplyDeleteI'm so pleased you have Bear in your life to help you heal. Just read your FB note and left a comment there :)
DeleteWhat a wonderful and touching post. I haven't heard of Fitzpatrick before, but I will be looking into him more now. Btw, this post title just spoke to me.
ReplyDeleteThanks for that. Wasn't sure whether to go with that title at first but then I thought why not? It's the truth - I get on better with animals. Always have done. It doesn't mean I love my human family any less (in case they are reading this, which I very much doubt).