Sunday, 9 October 2016

#Halloween Sunday Selfie With Mum

As we didn't post a Halloween-themed Caturday Art photo yesterday, we thought we'd share this photo art we made last year with Loonapix for this week's Sunday Selfie. Mum updated it slightly by adding some hats, cat and bats! Oh, and some other witchy effect to make it look more misty and mysterious. And of course, a magical moon!

Halloween Sunday Selfie


  1. Love you and your Mom, Athena. The love between you shows ... and while you're both beautiful without it, the two of you together is something else entirely :)

  2. Totally fabulous selfie guys, mew both look pawesome!


    Basil & Co XOX

  3. Fabulous perfect for this time of year,xx SPeedy

  4. Ooh I really do need to get myself one of those hats this year, set me off a treat when out mousing! A lovely picture of you both together, and very nicely updated for the season. purrs ERin

  5. You and your mum look great together. I like the bats on the moon too :)

  6. I love your and your human's Halloween selfie!

  7. Mee-you what a grate Hallowe'eny selfie Athena an Lady Marie!!! Both such purrty ladiess!!!
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~

  8. That's a lovely Halloween selfie with your mum.

  9. Halloween has always been special for us, since The Hubby and I had our first date at a Halloween party! Many years!

  10. You and Mum look fantastic, Athena! We love those costumes. :)

  11. Your creation is Halloween purrfection. We love when you and Mom Marie share a selfie. Thanks for hopping along again this week. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista

  12. Hehehehehe...that is a lovely witchy pixie with your mom, Athena... :) Pawkisses for a broomy Day :) <3

  13. Ooh very Witchy indeed. Well done you two!

  14. I love it! The hats are a fabulous touch. And you're smart to put them in via computer. Cats and hats are a bad combo around here!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  15. Hi Athena and Marie. We are doing a Bloggers Halloween slideshow this year. We love your picture. May we include it in our holiday slideshow? (will be published on Sunday hop Oct 30 if we get enough participants) - Carol, Peaches & Paprika


Thank you for commenting!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie