Saturday, 29 October 2016

The Vampyre Cat #CaturdayArt

We'd like to thank everyone for the lovely comments on our 5 Year Blogoversary Commentathon. The comments are still open should you wish to leave a one. 

For each comment left Mum is donating £1 to Wood Green the Animals Charity (where she adopted me from). 

COMMENTS WILL CLOSE WHEN TARGET OF £30 IS REACHED. Mum wishes she could afford to give more but we ain't rich! If you'd still like to help us fundraise for rescue animals you can purchase my rescue story A FOREVER HOME FOR ATHENA as Mum is now donating all the royalties made from the book to 3 cat charities. 

We would like to add that your lovely comments really touched us, especially Mum, who as you know is a very emotional human being. Yes, I caught her looking slightly teary-eyed as she read them all. She is so glad to have found a community that truly loves animals and one that understands that pets are like family and not 'just a pet'. We are so grateful to you all and are happy to call you our friends. 

Thank you and Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween 2016


  1. Ohh, that's a great, scary creation.

  2. Whoa, Athena - you scared me!

  3. Athena!!! Who knew yous could be so hellish!!!!
    Yous looks marvelous darling, and CONCATULATIONS! 5 years is such a accomplishment!!!

  4. Athena, you scared the cwap outta me! You make an awesome Vampyre cat.


  5. Fangs! We be scared ... we be running away!!!

    But not before saying Oh Happy Day to you for 5 Years of Fabulous, Creative and Artful blogging. Glad you're here, glad we know you ...
    it's always fun to visit and be part of your world! Keep it up for another five years, at least! Congratulations.

  6. Wow, you definitely have the right fangs for a vampyre cat! I wonder if vampyre cats love hunting vampire bats, lol.

  7. You look very scary, Athena...I'm out of here... Pawkisses for a Spooky Weekend :) <3

  8. OOO lovin' those fangs! We are Scaaaared! Come see yourself as Last week's Halloween goddess in our feline bloggers show posted today! PS: those kitten pix are priceless! Athena, you have the same look of love even as a wee one.

  9. LOVE your Halloween Art!! Very cool! Hope you don't mind if we joined your hop...but we wanted to wish you all a very Happy #NationalCatDay (We are KIND of Cat Like!!) BOL!!

    1. We're glad you joined us. All pet art welcome here. I just realised I forgot to mention that in the post. I'll try and remember for next week!

  10. You look very spooky, Athena! Happy Halloween!

  11. It would seem that we missed your blogoversary post, Athena (shame on us!). So, happy belated blogoversary to you! And, we think you make a gorgeously frightful vampire!

  12. That was very kind of you to donate for your blogoversary. Happy Halloween! You nake an adorable vampire.

  13. Oh Athena ... wouldn't have thought you had it in you, but you look scary.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  14. You are spookily adorable!!

    The Florida Furkids

  15. Fabulous spooktacular look Athena!!

  16. Spooky girl we almost did not recognize you great art happy 5th anniversary have a great weekend zen hugs and purrrs

  17. Athena looks so scary that Frodo is hiding under the bed!!

  18. Spooky ! Wonderful Halloween art ! Purrs

  19. We almost ran away when we saw this vampire kitty. Scary!

  20. Athena, you look really scary. We wouldn't have thought that possible. You are such a beauty. Guess you were channeling your inner demon. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  21. Very scary, Athena! You have that vampyre sneer down to an art! :)

  22. Athena, I think you could scare away all the bad vampires with those fangs! Happy Fifth blogoversary too! Purrz from the Katie Katz

  23. Yikes, Athena! Make love, not war!


Thank you for commenting!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie