Tuesday, 1 November 2016

#CharityTuesday Our Commentathon Donation & a Devon Rex Needs a Home

As a rescue kitty myself I want to help other rescue pets find their forever home, so each week on Charity Tuesday I will be sharing adoptable cats from Wood Green, the Animals Charity (which is where I was rescued). We are so grateful to this amazing charity because without them we would never have found each other! It's also one of the main charities we support.


Thanks to those of you who left comments on our blogoversary post last week, we raised £30 and so today Mum ordered these items for the kitties at Wood Green from the charity's Amazon Wishlist.

We hope the cats like their gift (though maybe not the carrier, as we kitties don't like carriers), but we're sure it'll come in useful at the shelter.

Now for this week's homeless cat. 

Check out Makhulu. This striking guy is looking for his forever home. He has been through quite a lot recently, and will need a loving home where he can build up his confidence again.

Makhulu is a 7 year old Devon Rex and is at the Godmanchester branch of Wood Green. If you are interested in homing him please visit his profile for more info. 

For more cats waiting to be rehomed at Wood Green click HERE 


All proceeds from this bag and mug will be donated to animals in need.

Rescue Cats Rock Coffee Mug

Disclosure: We are not affiliated with the charities mentioned in this post in any way.  We  just want to give something back by helping animals in need. This post does however contain some affiliate links. This means if you click on the link to purchase any of the above items, I will receive an affiliate commission. Read full disclosure policy here.

More homeless pets looking for forever homes can be found on my Mum's Pinterest Pet Rescue board.


  1. What a gorgeous, loving boy Makhulu is! I hope he finds a home very soon!

  2. What a beautiful kitty! Makhulu's video shows off his skills nicely, and they'll be knocking down the door to adopt him!

  3. You do so much to help kitties in need--thank you! I hope Makhulu finds a loving home soon.

  4. Thanks for all you do to help these kitties !

  5. Makhulu is beautifur. I have all 4 paws crossed fur him.
    Your Furend
    Louis Dog Armstrong

  6. I hope this cutie gets a forever home soon. That was so kind of your Mum to purchase those items for the rescue.

  7. Makhulu is very handsome, and we have our paws crossed that he finds a forever home soon. We are glad he is safe and cared for at Wood Green until he does. Sharing!

    Hugs to you both, Athena and Mum.

    P.S. - what great items you purchased for Wood Green with your commentathon money. They will be so helpful. Thank you for doing that. <3

  8. Makhulu is adorable and he looks like a very sweet kitty. He even gave little nuzzle loves to the volunteer.

  9. Thanks for your comments. He's really handsome and so deserves a loving forever home. I'm sure he'll find one soon.

  10. Makhulu is beautiful ! We hope he finds a forever home very soon ! Purrs

  11. Thank you for the generous gifts! Makhulu has nabbed the scratching post.


    1. We're so glad Makhulu loves his gift and hope he gets his forever home really soon! He's a lovely boy :)

      If there's anything else we can do to help the animals of Wood Green please let us know :)

      Purrs xx
      Athena and Marie


Thank you for commenting!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie