Sunday, 18 June 2017

Sunday Selfie: The Heatwave Continues

Happy Sunday! 

It's so hot I can barely move! 

All I do is laze around in front of the electric fan. ๐Ÿ˜พ

Mum helped me take this photo yesterday when I was on her bed gazing out at the sky through her window. She loves my eyes.

Summer in the city is horrid. It's so sticky and humid and the air is polluted.

It's taking a long time to sell our house because the market has really slowed down in London. Mum is getting stressed because it looks like she'll never get her dream home in the country. 

Hope you all have a great Sunday and get to spoil your dads (furry and non-furry) this Father's Day ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ˜ป 

Sunday Selfie


Erin the Cat Princess said...

Such wonderful eyes, and they deserve to be gazing on a country view, and have fresh air around and about. Stifling hot here in my neck of the woods, and prospect of another hot day to come. A bit like when the peep was at Myrtle Beach!
Have a lovely Sunday.
Purrs, ERin

Unknown said...

Hoping you get to move to a new and better home soon. Till then, think cool thoughts! :)

Summer said...

We've been in Phoenix this weekend, where it's been over 110! At least it's dry, but still, we're glad to be going home, where it's only in the 80s. I know you and your human will have your country home, Athena, even if it takes a little longer than you want.

The Swiss Cats said...

We cross our paws that you can sell your house as soon as possible, and that it gets cooler. Happy Father's Day ! Purrs

pilch92 said...

You do have beautiful eyes. I hope you can move to the country soon.

Anonymous said...

Mee-you Athena another stunning selfie mee furend! An mee will purray that Lady Marie can sell thee place an find yur dreem hoem fur youss'!!!
Mee wishess mee an LadyMum could move onto thee West Hill an bee on a quiet street....butt wee not abull to afford thee high rent.
Sum dayss this place isss so noisy mee getss stressed out (as doess LadyMum). Wee all need to live inn thee country!
***nose kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I sure hope you mum's dream comes true very soon. I would love a home in the English countryside myself!

Noodle Cat said...

Great selfie!
Happy Fathers Day...

Noodle and crew

Three Chatty Cats said...

You're such a beauty! I can see why she loves your eyes. Fingers crossed on selling your home. It's hot here too, but at least we don't have the humidity. Hope it cools down soon for you and your mom!

Katie Isabella said...

Good Day, Beautiful.

meowmeowmans said...

we sure hope your house gets sold soon, Athena. We so want you and Mum to have that dream house in the country. We love your selfie today. Hugs!

The Island Cats said...

It's been hot around here too. Thank cod we have air conditioning! Cool seflie, Athena.

Rosa Silva said...

It's been really hot in here too. I hope you can sell your house soon and move to the country. I used to love living in the city but a few years ago I moved to a small city in the countryside and now I love the quietness of the country.

Little Miss Titch said...

Its quite hot down here too,hope your mama gets to sell her house soon,xx Speedy

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

It's the same here, Athena...feeling hot hot hot.. ๐Ÿ˜ธPawkisses for a Happy Day☺❤

Eastside Cats said...

London is having a hard time of it, so it seems. My heart goes out to those injured in the attacks and fire. Hope your home sells soon!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

You and Cody look like you could be brother and sister, you both have those GORGEOUS green eyes (and the same color eyes!) I can see why your Mom loves this photo so much! Tell Mom to remain positive, it takes TIME for good things to arrive! xoxoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

Furries said...

Gorgeous selfie. Selling a house can be stressful. Hang in there, your dream will come true. It's hot here in the suburbs, and we're on track to set a record for days over 100F. I'm thankful to be an indoor kitty with a/c and fans.

Dash Kitten Crew said...

You do look alert and ready for action.

We had no idea house selling's so slow in London! We thought folks were desperate for places to live!