Wednesday, 21 February 2018

5 Catio Ideas Your Indoor Cat Will Love

5 Catio Ideas Your Indoor Cat Will Love

I am an indoor kitty and for a few years now Mum has been going on about how she will build me a catio once we move to a new house (which at the moment doesn't look like is happening anytime soon).

She's been looking at catios and cat enclosures online but they seem to be really expensive. Building one would be cheaper but she's not into DIY. There are also companies that will do it for you but again, maybe too expensive for us as I am not earning the money I should be as a cat model, influencer or ambassador. Yeah, it seems I will never be a famous kitty like some :(

Nevermind, I have all I need in life to be happy💚

So, here is a small selection of catio and enclosure ideas Mum found on Amazon UK. Now, if I had one of those it would be just pawsome!  If you have an indoor cat and want to let them safely outdoors for some fresh air, now is the time to start looking because spring is just around the corner!

The following are affiliate links so that means that if you make a purchase via them we will earn a small commission, just enough to buy me some treats maybe?


Omlet Outdoor Cat Run

This fully enclosed 1.8m x 1.8m x 1.95m cat run allows your cat to enjoy the outdoors in safety. It's made from heavy-gauge welded steel mesh and the attractive green coating helps it blend in well with your garden.

The secure, lockable door can be positioned on any side and there is an external anti-tunnel skirt that protects your cat from foxes, badgers and feral strays.


Catio / House Cat Leanto 8ft x 8ft x 9ft with Ladders & Shelves

Perfect for keeping cats out in the sunshine safely, this catio is made with a 16G 1 x 1" inch mesh that is cat safe. The wood is pressure treated and coated with an animal-friendly stain for a long life. This catio comes with all the fixtures such as the cat shelves and ladders to keep your pets well entertained. The wooden stakes anchor the run to the ground. You can also get one custom made from the company. All info is on the product page on the link below.

large catio


Kitty Walk Kittywalk Town-&-Country Pet Enclosure

This multi-unit netted outdoor enclosure for multiple cats has 30 cubic feet of play space. It includes Kittywalk's Deck and Patio enclosure, the Kabana, and Penthouse for your kitties to enjoy some fresh air outdoors as well as enjoying some playtime. There are also 4 different hammocks for lounging in and weather resistant canvas roofing!

kitty walk enclosure



Catio / Cat Lean 9ft x 6ft x 7.5ft tall with Ladders & Shelves 

This Catio looks perfect for allowing your indoor cats to safely explore the garden. There is enough room to exercise and play and the ladders and shelves will give them the chance to jump and climb and enjoy themselves. At 6ft Wide, 9ft long and 7.5 ft tall it is an adequate size and it can even fit the humans inside, should you wish to outdoor time with your kitty companions as well!

All the materials used are cat-friendly 😻

This is what I would like!

Cat Outdoor Run With Raised Sleeping Box 6FT x 12FT Pet Enclosure

This large enclosure is perfect for letting your cat enjoy the fresh air and sunshine safely. It comes with a raised sleeping box for warmth or shade and shelter. It's made using 16G 1" wire that is fox/dog proof and cat safe. The roof is waterproof and the product comes with wooden stakes which anchor it to the ground.


  1. How timely of a post! I'm actually researching catios at the moment. We had a small one that I just got rid of because we're redoing our back patio area. I want to provide a nicer one for them. I've thought about DIY -- but if I want it to stay standing, I better not go that route! :-)

    1. I feel that way too. It needs to be secure so I guess I'll have to pay someone to install it for me.

  2. #5 looks very interesting! We probably will have to dismantle our back deck soon (support beams are rotted), so a pre-made set up might be the purrfect item!

  3. Gosh! Such cool Catios! I do LOVE mine though!
    My Catio is an IKEA shelving hack! It is purrfect for the small deck we have. Purrhaps I will get Mom to share mine and how it was made --- after the software rollout Mom is busy with.

    1. Tell your mom to share when she has time. We'd love to know :)

  4. Those are all pawsome catios ! #4 looks great ! Purrs

  5. I can't afford these, but they do look nice. I think you deserve fame and fortune Athena! XO

  6. Oh my goodness, these are all super fancy. I am sure Rosie would love them.

  7. I hope you can get your new catio soon! Manna, Dexter, and I will never be famous either, but I've heard that fame isn't all it is cracked up to be. You are a celebrity to us! We love seeing you online. :) These catios are a great ideas. If we had a yard, we would build one too.

  8. Oh Athena, my Dad has been talking about building me a catio for awhile now, but I don't see him with any wood or hammers yet! I like your list of catio options here and I really like the same one you do. And Athena - YOU ARE FAMOUS. Don't ever think otherwise, Goddess. (blowing a kiss) -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

  9. I didn't know there were so many options! The last one is my favorite because the cat can choose privacy if he feels the need.

  10. OH how I LOVE those. Momma wishes she could get one for me. XX

  11. Those all look great! I would love to have a catio built for Mudpie one day.

  12. TW wanted a unit with a catio when they moved here but decided to go for the NYC view instead. Now she wishes we had the catio so I could go out.


Thank you for commenting!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie