Saturday, 24 March 2018

Early Easter & Clocks go Forward #CaturdayArt

Happy Caturday!

As Easter is earlier this year we're posting our Easter art this weekend instead of the next.

As you can see from my photo below, I am dreaming of a baby chick. As Mum doesn't eat meat or dairy she really isn't too happy to see this and is really feeling sorry for the little chick. Luckily for me, she understands that I'm a carnivore and can't help it. 😻

Easter Caturday Art
This was made with Fotojet and Fotor

LunaPic Connections Art Filter

LunaPic Nouveaux Art Filter (almost like a stained glass effect)

British Summer Time

Don't forget that if you live in Europe the clocks go forward tonight as British  Summer Time begins.

Mum is already complaining that there is too much daylight already. She is not a fan of the days getting longer. Honestly, Mum, you always complain but I love you and wouldn't change you for anything 😽💚

Daylight saving time in Europe will begin at 01:00 on
Sunday, 25 March 2018

Create Beautiful Pet Art With Your Photos!

Simply edit photos of your pets or any animal using one of the many free photo editors available online - or any editing program you like. Enjoy creating and sharing your artsy pet photos. It's a great way to find new blogging friends and followers!


  1. Now I are thinkin bout chikken - yummm.

  2. You look so fabulous and festive, Athena! Perhaps you and that chick could become friends?

  3. My human is a night owl, and doesn't mind the extra hour of daylight - she gets enough nighttime because of her late hours!

  4. Fantastic artwork, sweet bunny kitty, we like the Connection art very much :) Granny won't feel the difference of time anymore, Athena, I worn her out all week long...MOL :D Pawkisses for a Happy Caturday :) <3

  5. I like all of the pictures, but I think my favourite is the Connections filter. It is hard to choose. You are looking very intense thinking of that chick, Athena.
    I am not good with mornings so prefer the lighter evenings. Hopefully the better weather will come along with them.

  6. Lovely art! We still haven't adjusted to our time change that was two weeks ago!

  7. Your Easter art looks really cool. I love that Nouveaux effect! I always have trouble adjusting to the "spring forward" time change, but I do enjoy the longer daylight in the evenings. Have a great weekend! :)

  8. Our Mom is the opposite she loves the longer days. We love your stained glass art, it looks so neat and purrfect for Easter although all the art was great. Grandpa used to raise chickens, the cats never bothered them. Chickens are vicious and would peek you, much better to dream of peeps. We like to watch the goslings but would never dream of getting close to them Mama Goose and Papa Gander terrify us.

  9. Congrats on your new daylight time and your Easter Art. So pretty. Our favorite is the stained glass effect! Happy weekend and enjoy the daylight you guys!

  10. Beautiful Easter art, I especially like the Nouveau effect. I am not a fan of Spring ahead, I prefer Fall back with the extra hour. XO

  11. Beautiful art! We beat you cos we reset our clocks last weekend or was it 2 weeks ago.

  12. Such beautiful artwork this week for an early Easter treat!

  13. These are just beautiful! While I love them all...I think I really like the stained glass effect best!

  14. We love all your artwork. Mom hates when they change the time to more daylight. She likes to get up when it's light and go to bed when it's dark...not the other way around.

    The Florida Furkids

  15. We love the stained glass effect, it's great ! We almost forgot DST, and we hate it *sigh*.... Purrs

  16. We don't mind you thinking about chickens, Athena. We cats are doing the same. :)

    We did that spring forward thing a couple of weekends ago. Ugh.

  17. your Mum and my Mom are quite Mom does NOT like the extra sunlight (between you and me I think she is a BAT) Love, Cody


Thank you for commenting!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie