Sunday, 25 March 2018

Funny Sunday Selfie and Friendly Fill-Ins

This selfie isn't up to my usual standard, I know, but Mum is so busy she is finding it hard to keep up. Pile on the added stress of moving house, her head is all over the place at the moment. To help ease the stress she does a bit of yoga. She tries to yoga at least once a week and here I am wanting to participate (note the naughty kitty scratch marks on the yoga mat.) 😻

Yoga selfie

Sunday Selfies is Sponsored by The Cat on My Head

McGuffy's Reader and 15andMeowing

Friendly Fill-Ins

1. I am the _________________ in my family.
2. I have __________________ sibling(s).
3. I am looking forward to                            this Spring.
4. The first sign of Spring this year was                      .


1. I am the oldest in my family. 
2. I have one sibling, my brother John, who is 4 years younger. 
3. I am looking forward to being in our new home in Essex this Spring but I doubt it. 
4. The first sign of Spring this year was the days getting longer as it is every year. It depresses me. It's when Summer SAD begins for me.


1. I am the prettiest in my family (my human family too).
2. I have some siblings (but can't remember them.)
3. I am looking forward to getting a catio this Spring. 
4. The first sign of Spring this year was the birdies on our lawn.


Peaches and Paprika said...

AW, you actually look verrry appealing on that purple mat, Athena, claw marks and all! After all isn't it partly yours? We empathize with the crazy busy lives our humans get into sometimes.

Erin the Cat Princess said...

What a lovely selfie shot there. Clearly Yoga mats need to revised for kitty yoga too! Mol
Hope the house move thing goes OK, we are trying and all that can be said for it is that trying is a gross understatement MOL
Toodle pips and purrs

meowmeowmans said...

We think that yoga mat looks great with your handiwork, Athena. We're sending purrs and prayers that things will resolve for Mum, especially with the house moving stuff. Hugs to you both.

pilch92 said...

That was a little naughty of you to scratch your mum's yoga mat. Thank you both for participating in the fill-ins, I always enjoy your answers. I hope you are in your new home soon. I completely understand how your Mum feels about the longer days, I tend to be depressed this time of year too.Be sure to give her lots of purrs and cuddles. XO

Summer said...

My human needs to get back to her yoga practice - she is so busy with strength training and cardio that sometimes she forgets!

The Florida Furkids said...

We like your selfies. Like Summer mentioned, OUR Mom needs to get back to yoga too. Maybe we can try to decorate her mat like you did?

Great Fill-in answers!

The Florida Furkids

The Swiss Cats said...

You look lovely on that purple mat. We hope everything goes well for the move. Purrs

Eastside Cats said...

Huh, our yoga mat looks the same, Athena! Must have missed the news about moving house, but I know your Mom wanted, does that mean you've got a new place lined up?

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a lovely selfie, Athena. You have decorated the yoga mat very tastefully.

Anonymous said...

Mee-you yur selfie iss beeuteefull like you yur no notty kittygurl. You were just holdin on tite rite??
~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~

Katie Isabella said...

Athena you are charming as well as beautiful. XXX

The Island Cats said...

Your selfie is beautiful, Athena.

Unknown said...

Athena, I'm sure you've got some unique yoga poses to show your mum! I hope everything works out so you can get moved into your new place this spring :)

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

did I miss that you found a house? When did that happen??? catchatwithcarenandcody

Valentine said...

Your not at all a "naughty" kitty, Athena. Mom is feeling stress a lot too these days. Here's a quote that she found last week that she wrote on a post-it for the mirror that maybe your momma will find helpful too: "Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress in to a positive one." Hugs & purrs.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

We found a new house quite a while back, but we were met with problems and delays with the sale of our own property. It's been quite a journey but hopefully we'll be in our new place soon :)

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

We found the house quite a while back but were met with many obstacles and delays with our own house sale. Hopefully, it'll all get sorted soon.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Thanks for that quote. This is something I'm trying to do.

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

I leave my pawprints on Granny's yoga mat too, sweet Athena...MOL :D Tell your mom to watch the birdies together with you, that's destressing and helps Granny Always too :D Pawkisses for a Happy Day :) <3

M Dawson said...

You look lovely. What a face BUT no the mats only full of yoga practice marks! Mum needs to keep up the yoga. Moving house in the UK is no fun (been there done that). Keep calm and hug on you two.

Lots of love.