Saturday, 21 April 2018

Astronomy Day #CaturdayArt

Happy Caturday!

As it's Astronomy Day we've gone all "Starry Night" with this Van Gogh Art effect from LunaPic.

Some News

The next few Caturday Art Blog Hops will be a quick affair for us as Mum is busy with our house move. She's currently hard at work scheduling posts for the next few weeks until the property sale and purchase is finalised. As anyone who's moved home knows, it can be torture and at times you may feel like you are losing it. Selling houses and buying another, is one of the most stressful experiences in life that will make even the calmest most easy-going person want to bang their head against the wall and pull their hair out! (Not that Mum does this, but I can tell she wants to.)

And for Mum, who is already an anxious, highly-sensitive soul and who suffers from depression, it's a nightmare. My poor Mum! There is so much she has to do but she doesn't want to let our blog suffer so she will be scheduling posts in advance but apologies for not being able to visit and comment on your blogs.

We've had so many setbacks during this move, and now the exchange and completion stage is the final hurdle and this is what's happening now for us. If all goes well, we shall be at our new property in about 3 weeks' time. Mum will be documenting the move and will try to update on our social media whenever she can. As for keeping up with you all on this blog, we hope we can get our internet connection at the new place sorted out quickly!

Simply edit photos of your pets using one of the many free photo editors available online - or any editing program you like. Enjoy creating and sharing your digital animal art in this fun blog hop. Or if you are an artist, show us your pet art! But not on the actual animal, thanks. That is not art and it's cruel!


  1. Paws crossed you guys make the move with the least amount of stress!

  2. We hope the move goes well. It is a nightmare for any sensitive cat. We hope your new accommodation is very suitable for a cat.

    1. Thank you. Hoping to build a catio at the new place :)

      Purrs xx
      Athena and Marie

  3. I hope the move goes well. Your art is very appropriate as the Lyrid meteor shower is due to be seen through the night.

  4. You just concentrate on your move, Athena and Mary, we support you in mind as we know how hectic it can be :D Good Luck Pawkisses to the both of you and don't forget to breathe in between ;) Purrfect Artwork like Always btw 😽❤

  5. We feel for you, we are in the middle of a major kitchen remodel while living in the house. It's utter chaos. Take care and we hope you love your new home.

    1. Sounds really chaotic! The noise and dirt must be terrible :(

      Purrs xx
      Athena and Marie

  6. Beautiful art! Sending best wishes that the move goes well and that in a few weeks' time you'll be settled and happy in your new home :)

    1. Thank you. We will try and get some videos of the day for you all. And lots of snaps!

  7. Thank U for sharing your MOVE details wand we wish you good luck! Though being a thoughtful person you are probably going to be well prepared. We hope to be there one day. Are you looking forward to your new place & is it better than your old place? Thinking of you this week/month!

    1. Thank you for your well wishes.

      It's a smaller house than this one but it's in a lovely location and there is a woodland nearby so lots of fresh air we hope!

      It's not quite the countryside, but at least it's outside the city.

  8. Pretty artwork! Good luck with the move. We know it can be super stressful!

    The Florida Furkids

    1. Thank you. I didn't realise it would be this stressful. I'm still terrified it won't happen.

  9. Good luck with the move! I hope everything goes perfectly!

  10. Beautiful art! I ill be praying that all goes well and you are in your new, quiet home soon. XO

    1. Thanks. Looking forward to sharing some photos and videos of Athena on the day. Just so worried about her though, so don't want to stress her. Need to keep watch over her.

  11. "Starry Night" is one of my favorite art pieces, and you are even more stunning than the original, Athena. We are sending you lots of purrs and well wishes for the move! I moved 3 years ago and I remember how stressful that was, but once you're all settled in, you will be so, so happy.

  12. A perfect artwork for the Astronomy theme.
    Buying/selling/moving houses can be very stressful. When my husband and I got married we did that with three houses (2 moves for me) within about 6 months. Lots of chaos and a few hiccups, and at one point I was completely frustrated because I couldn't remember my phone number or postal zip code. Hopefully you're past the most difficult part and the rest will go smoothly.

  13. OMC! TW feels your pain. Their selling of the big house and move here was a nightmare. They were looking to do both simultaneously without having to do a mortgage but of course that never happened. Nice art.

    1. Thank you. Life can be stressful enough without having to deal with the nightmare of moving too.

  14. OH Athena you are quite the "star" in your artwork today. Tell your Mom we feel her pain. Moving is awful and one of life's biggest stressors. WE purr everything goes reasonably well, because we know there is always 'something' that happens during a move.

    1. Thank you. I know. I'm sure there will be more hurdles along the way. I'm realistic like that.

  15. Athena your eyes are most gorgeous in your Caturday art work.
    Purrsonally I've never moved but I have lived through a huge renovations and it was very much aggravating and lots of strangers all over the house. Mom and I were sequestered in the Blog office for 8 hours a day. So we send lots of good vibes to you and your Mum during your upcoming relocation
    Hugs madi and mom

    1. Would hate to have renovations done with me living in the property at the same time. I would probably have a breakdown.

  16. You're gorgeous Athena and so alert.


  17. Hope everything goes well! And Athena looks good no matter what!

  18. Your art is gorgeous! Best of luck with the move...we are so excited this is finally happening for you!

    1. Thank you. Can't wait to share photos of the new place on this blog :)

  19. Purrayers that all goes well !

  20. We hope the move goes well.
    It can be very stressful.
    Your art is amazing!

    Noodle and crew

  21. OH, moving day....BUT, kitties are so adaptable. Spray everything with Feliway and your kitty will LOVE new surroundings. Feliway really worked for me, Loulou. Also can take a little calmante if you have one...Beaphar drops between the ears for example. Mama uses those, too, when we travel. GOOD LUCK with your new house, Athena and Marie.

  22. We pray that you LEAP over this hurdle and that you are all comfy in your new abode soon! So happy for you! It IS stressful but will ultimately be worth it! catchatwithcarenandcody


Thank you for commenting!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie