Sunday, 1 April 2018

Sunday Selfie, Friendly Fill-Ins and Add us on Snapchat #EasterSunday

Happy Easter Sunday!

I hope you are enjoying the Easter holidays if you celebrate. Mum isn't the religious sort so she doesn't apart from stuffing herself with the chocolate Easter egg you will see in my Instagram photos below. Born and bred in Britain, we do follow the normal (Western) Easter, but Granny, being Greek Cypriot, celebrates the Greek Orthodox Easter, which is next weekend this year (it falls on different dates each year and sometimes it falls on the same day as the normal Easter, as it did last year.)

Sunday Selfie

As a treat to all my fans and furriends, here's another Instagram photo from last week.

Sunday Selfies Blog Hop is brought to you by The Cat on my Head

Friendly Fill-Ins is brought to you by McGuffy's Reader & 15andmeowing


1. For Easter, I watch Mum stuff her face with chocolate Easter Eggs.
2. My favorite Easter treat is whatever I'm given by Mum (which means no chocolate Easter egg because chocolate is toxic to cats (and dogs.)
3. Lately, the song stuck in my head is the last thing Mum listened to (she is listening to Outlander soundtrack while she types this for me.)
4. The A-Z Blogging Challenge is something that sounds interesting but we've never had the time to participate.

Mum Marie

1. For Easter, I don't celebrate - just eat chocolate Easter Eggs (Vegan). When I was a kid, Mum used to dye real eggs with red food colouring for Greek Orthodox Easter.
2. My favorite Easter treat is Vegan Easter Eggs these days.
3. Lately, the song stuck in my head is Them Thar Chanterelles (feat. Liquor in the Well) by AURI.
4. The A-Z Blogging Challenge is great but as it's every day I won't be able to participate.

Are you on Snapchat?

Please add my mum on Snapchat if you are as she feels kind of lonely over there.She's still trying to work that app out, but if you want to catch little clips from our daily life please feel free to add her!

Username: msymeou6 
Here's our snapcode: 


  1. Happy Easter to you, twice maybe. A lovely selfie of you to finish with, a lovely almost painted look to it though that just could be my tired eyes? There are loads of eggs around here but mainly just natural free range chocolate eggs 🥚 Well I guess they’re free range as I find the tin foil everywhere! Mol
    Toodle pips and happy selfie purrs

    1. It looks painted but it isn't. Bad editing I'm afraid - the original photo was too dark because it was taken in low light just before bedtime :)

  2. I don't really celebrate Easter either, but I do like the candy. Lovely pictures, Athena! Hope you and your mum have a wonderful day :)

  3. Hoppy Easter to you and your Mum Athena,xxx Speedy your Easter Bunny

  4. Happy Easter to you and your Mum dear furrends!
    Purrs and Love
    Marv and Barb

  5. well, it's always a treat seeing selfies of you, Athena! Happy Easter to you and Mum (we hope she enjoys some great chocolate eggs today). :)

  6. Lookin beeuteefull Athena gurl....even yur Instygram fotoss are luvley!!
    Happy Easter to you an Lady Marie frum mee Siddhartha Henry =^,.^= an LadyMum :)
    Pee S: Sumone here stuffed herself with Chocolate thee past 2 dayss all so ;)

  7. love your photos! OMG Snap Chat? No way in hell. I can barely get to Instagram (which I haven't been on in nearly 3 weeks)........I just don't have the time (or the desire) for yet another time suck!! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  8. We celebrate Easter in a secular (and semi-pagan) way also! My human and I went to the Blessing of the Animals downtown by Olvera street, but that's a lot because of my human enjoying her Latin heritage.

  9. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers from both of you. That is great that you can get vegan chocolate. I had never heard of dyeing eggs red, that is interesting. Happy Easter! XO

  10. We don't do much traditional celebrating, but we do love the chocolate! :-) We're not on Snapchat - haven't figured it out yet. I think I reserved our name, but never did anything with it. I hope it goes well for you!

  11. You looks sweet in your picture!

    We hope you enjoyed our Easter egg! Mum likes ours MOL!!

  12. Your Selfie is gorgeous, Athena and Granny like chocolate...lots of chocolate, but not the hot flases right after eating them :D For Easter the kids make coloured eggs here too. Eggstra Pawkisses for a Joyful Easter :) <3

  13. Yup, we had a pretty typical Easter here at my house. You know, normal kinda stuff. Peeps gorged themselves on Cadbury Cream Eggs, Easter Bunny hid nip eggs for us cats, weasels broke into my house and stole the nip eggs, peeps felt sick after eatin' so many cream eggs... Pretty typical Easter, for sure. PURRS


Thank you for commenting!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie