Sunday, 8 April 2018

Sunday Selfies and Friendly-Fill-Ins

Happy Sunday! 

Mum wanted to post this selfie but I don't like it because you can't see my beautiful ears.
Big Green Eyes

I told her that I need a better one than that to impress my fans so I looked back at the week's pics and chose this one I took myself! It is a proper selfie :)

cat selfie in black n white

Join our fabulous friends at The Cat on My Head for more Sunday Selfies!

And now for Friendly Fill-ins, hosted by our other fab friends from 15 and Meowing & McGuffy's Reader 

1. __________________is one of my ___________________.
2. I _______________to _______________________.
3. I have a hard time                         .
4.                  is easy for me.

1. Sleeping on or between Mum's legs at night is one of my favourite things in the whole world.
2. I love to bite my mum playfully.
3. I have a hard time trying to understand why Mum wants me to lose weight.
4. Sleeping is easy for me.

1. Outlander is one of my favourite TV shows on Amazon Prime
2. I love to sing 
3. I have a hard time controlling my temper.
4. Empathising with animals and most people is easy for me.


  1. A delightful selfie and no mistake. With or without ears, you are a delight, Athena.
    Toodle pips

  2. Really lovely selfie!
    Have a wonderful Sunday...

    Noodle and crew

  3. Great selfies. Thank you both for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I don't think you need to lose weight Athena, you are purrfect. I have heard good things about Outlander, I need to check it out. XO

  4. You are such a beauty, Athena! Mudpie loves to sleep the same way.

  5. Athena Darling! I too sleep in the same place as you! I love your's and your Mum's answers to the Friday Fill Ins.
    I must say, you look absolutely gorgeous in your selfie.

  6. Well the first one shows off your eyes to purrfection but we like being able to see your ears too. We think they are both stunning.

  7. I like both photos, Athena - we can still see your pretty eyes!

  8. Your selfie sure is pretty as are your most impressive whiskers!

  9. We think both your selfies are lovely, Athena! Your eyes are mesmerizing!

  10. You look great no matter what, Athena.. :)

  11. It was fun to read your fill ins as well as admire your beautiful selfies!!

    Happy mid-week Sunday!

  12. Athena, both of your pictures are gorgeous! Both of you have great fill-ins answers too. Our dog, Layla, is having the same problem you are with understanding why she should lose weight. :)

  13. Those are both beautiful shots of you, Athena.

  14. Ohhh but we can see your gorgeous eyes!!! My mom has trouble with her temper too MOL! Love, Cody catchatwithcarenandcody

  15. Sometimes it's hard to get ears into the picture, Athena!

  16. Well, both pictures are lovely, but it is always wonderful to see more of you and your ears! Head nuzzles.

  17. I like the first picture. Even thought your ears aren't visible, your beautiful eyes and the way you tilted your head makes an adorable photo.

  18. Both selfiess are beeuteedull Athena! Thee ferst foto showss off yur beeuteefull eyess. An the second foto showss off yur overall beeutee.
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~

  19. You Always impurress me with your Selfies, Athena, doesn't matter if they're half eared or not. The second one is so adorable, that it looks like you are the boss in the house...well, I guess you are, just like me...MOL :D Pawkisses for a wonderful day :) <3

  20. Cats are literally the best. They are, indeed, better than people. Lovely selfies!


Thank you for commenting!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie