Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Top 10 Pet Strollers on Amazon UK

Life can be stressful for indoor kitties like me. So, as a wise kitty, I put it to Mum that maybe we could look into getting a cat stroller. She could take me out so I can feel the fresh breeze silently whispering its deepest secrets through my furs. OK, maybe not here in polluted London but hopefully at our new place (if we ever get there), she could take me out for some fresh air (it's fresher with more open space where we're going, and the streets are lined with trees).

So, while Mum decides if she'll get me one or not, here are some of the top ones she's found on Amazon UK. 

She hasn't actually got much money to spend and she is saving up for a catio, so any manufacturer of pet strollers, perhaps you could send us one for a review? 













To my US followers, I haven't forgotten you. Check out these pet strollers on 😻

Would you buy a pet stroller for your pet? Dogs probably love them, right? But do cats? Any cats out there have one?

I want a pet stroller


  1. Neither my human nor I want a stroller - it's too much like carting babies around, which makes my human shudder!

    1. I don't have a car so I thought this might be a good way to take Athena out for a bit as she's quite a heavy cat. I do see your point though as I thought the same at first! But she is my baby, and she enjoys being my baby. Don't worry though, you won't see me dressing her up in baby clothes any time soon. I don't like putting clothes on cats.

  2. We don't have a cat stroller but have always wanted one. We used my daughter's old stroller when my previous dog was older and had trouble walking. Unfortunately, it's not screened in so would never use it with the cats.

  3. I've been wanting to get a stroller for a while. I think at least one or two of my kitties would like to go for a stroll in one!

  4. Those are some fancy rides! We bet you'd know just how to pimp them out for a Goddess!

  5. We had one for our elderly dog who couldn't walk anymore. I hasn't tested it out yet.

  6. Our mom would love to take us for a walk in a stroller. I wouldn't do well with being in it, though, and I'm an escape artist! Mommy says when we move to the suburbs she may take Lexy for a stroll.

    1. That's what I'm worried about. Athena is an escape artist.

  7. Those are all nice strollers. XO

  8. Cupcake of the blog "Cats Herd You", Chanel of "Random Felines" blog, and Dezi & Raena of the blog "Dezi's World" use strollers to get out and around and seem to enjoy them. They also can tell you what kind of harnesses to get , because the cats aare not loose in their strollers.

  9. Those are some pretty fancy strollers. I'm not sure if Raven would like being out in a stroller.

  10. I need a super sized one, for both Manny and Chili Bruce! They don't sit still either.

  11. Oohhh.. I like numbers two and eight. Their colours would look so good with my gorgeous marmalade fur. PURRS


Thank you for commenting!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie