Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Whiskers Wednesday: On the Move

Today is moving day and this is a scheduled post so please bear with us if we do not reply to any comments or visit any of your blogs over the next week or so.

Caturday Art has been scheduled too so please remember to participate!

Here are some of our recent Instagram postings. You keep with us on this account or on Twitter 


  1. Good luck with the move!

  2. Great photos. I hope all is going well. XO

  3. Hurrah ! You are underway at last !

  4. Lovely photos, Athena and Mum. We are purring and praying the move goes smoothly!

  5. Athena, you're on insta? Will have to start following your page, we love using Instagram to update our latest visits from our furry friends, thanks for the share. Have a nice rest of your week.
    World of Animals

  6. Hope all goes well for you! I am certain it will! We will be here when you return! catchatwithcarenandcody

  7. How exciting! I hope the move goes smoothly! My fav pic of you Athena is the black and white one. You look like sexy, sultry starlet of a film noir in that one! (whistling)

  8. We hope the move went well ... we've been thinking about you!

  9. Home your move went smoothly. I'm not on IG, unfortunately.


Thank you for commenting!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie