Sunday, 22 July 2018

Sunday Selfie Profile Shot and Friendly Fill-Ins

Happy Sunday!

Sunday Selfies

Sunday Selfies

Check Out More Friendly Fill-Ins Here

Visit The Cat on My Head for more Sunday Selfies!

Friendly Fill-Ins

Marie's answers

1. I tried singing opera and I liked it.
2. Am I the only one who hates this heatwave?
3. Anyone who speaks out for animals is my hero/heroine.
4. If I could eat only one food for the rest of my life, it would be chocolate (dairy free/vegan)

Athena's answers

1. I tried biting Mum and I liked it.
2. Am I the only one who cries when Mum leaves me home alone? (which she very rarely does, by the way).
3. Anyone who rescues kitties is my hero/heroine
4. If I could eat only one food for the rest of my life, it would be Smilla Dental Snacks *

*affiliate links


Erin the Cat Princess said...

Aww, two delightful selfies, twice the fun of a Sunday!
Toodlepips and purrs

Unknown said...

Lovely selfies, Athena! I'm so impressed that your mum tried singing opera. I can't even sing "Happy Birthday" on tune. You shouldn't bite your mum, sweetie! :)

meowmeowmans said...

Great selfies, Athena! The light in your new house is really good for photos, eh? :)

pilch92 said...

Beautiful selfie Athena. And thank you both for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I bet you sing beautifully. I have the heat too. You shouldn't bite your Mum Athena, that is not nice. XO

Summer said...

Nice profile, Athena! When I was a kitten, I used to cry when my human left me in the hotel room, but that didn't last very long. Now she can come and go as she pleases.

The Florida Furkids said...

Beautiful selfies and great answers!

The Florida Furkids

Eastside Cats said...

Athena, it's remarkable the way your fur colors change in different light! You are so pretty!

David E. McClendon, Sr. said...

We hate this heatwave, too. Only six more months until cooler weather. Great answers. Have a blessed week.

The Menagerie Mom said...

You are a true beauty, Athena. And both you and your mom have fantastic fill-ins. I have a lot of respect for opera singers. That requires a lot of vocal range and control, neither of which I have. Athena, Evan cries when this mom of his leaves him, too. That sure is heartbreaking. We hope your weekend was wonderful!

M Dawson said...

Good on you wanting snacks. We agree 00% if I have to eat I eat snacks!!!

Valentine said...

What a beauty! Say, Athena, with you being a goddess and all - can you purr-lease make it rain in ORE-gon, 'cause it's way too dry and hot right now?! I would ever be so grr-eatful. -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Athena ... even if we are a week late (human incompetence). Our favorite picture is the one with the blue background ... it really shows off your gorgeous tabby-ness and those green eyes!