Friday, 26 October 2018

#CaturdayArt Happy Halloween!

This is the scariest thing I've ever seen so sorry in advance if it freaks you out πŸ™€πŸ˜±

Believe it or not, even though we've been going on about Halloween for weeks on this blog, Mum and I are not really that into it. We love all the Halloween-themed art, photos and designs because those are awesome pawsome, but the actual Halloween night isn't one we particularly look forward to. Halloween can be a dangerous time, especially for kitties and other furries so please take care of yourselves. Some people are just too nasty. All pets should be kept indoors during this night of scary celebration and make sure they don't sneak out when you open the door to all those trick or treaters.

Here are some tips on Halloween Safety for Pets

Have a great weekend and Halloween, and stay safe!

Note: This post contains some affiliate links. Full disclosure HERE.
Come on everyone, let's see your animal photo art. All animals welcome, not just cats! Some free photo editors and apps are really simple to use and you can have a beautiful artsy photo of your pet to share in an instant! Join us every Saturday!


pam said...

We make sure all our kitties are in nice and early on Halloween.

Anonymous said...

You are so right Athena. Halloween is a spooky and scary night for us cats. It's noisy and peeps are always ringing the doorbell. Then the fireworks start and it's UTB time. Not one of our favourite nights either.


Anonymous said...

That is totally scary and spooky and yes! Halloween is scary. We don't get many kids at our townhouse but there is a big fireworks show in the park a block away and last year the booming scared the pants off me!
We did not do any spooky art - except for our pumpkin!

Cathy Keisha said...

That is scary. It was giving TW seizures so we had to look away. Halloween isn't for us. TW is always afraid I'll get out when she's giving out the candy. She signed up this year cos Pop was supposed to be working from home but he's not so she's going to have to watch me and hand out treats.

pilch92 said...

That is pretty scary. I keep my cats in all the time for safety. XO

Kitties Blue said...

That first art totally freaked us out. We had to scroll down to get it off the screen. You in the witch's hat, however, is adorable. We are not huge on Halloween either. Don't know why so many people get excited by it. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

Kitties Blue said...

p.s. We can't find where to join the hop.

Summer said...

That is a spooky pic, Athena! Wow! Funny thing is, from what I gather, Halloween is MUCH bigger in the States than it is just about anywhere else. We don't even really celebrate it at our house, since my human doesn't like giving candy to kids. Kids make her uncomfortable and all that candy isn't healthy.

KnottedFingers said...

What a scary but AWESOME pic!

Halloween can be scary for kitties but unfortunately mommy says there are bad people year round and that's why she keeps us inside unless it's in our stoller. Recently someone was arrested for killing 30! Kitties! It's so scary and people can be so evil.

Our family makes sure we have lots of comfy stuff on Halloween and lots of treats to keep us safe. Your link is very good!

Angelic Clowder

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Kitties Blue - The link is there, I can see it but here it is for you or anyone else who can't see it

World of Animals, Inc. said...

That sure is one scary photo you shared. We love Halloween for the little fur babies that get dressed up and come to our office. Thanks for sharing such wonderful tips to make sure our little ones are safe. Have a great rest of your weekend.
World of Animals

The Swiss Cats said...

Scary art today ! Purrs

The Florida Furkids said...

Whoa....good think you warned us! We like your artwork.

The Florida Furkids


Wow that was spooky good Athena!!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

We've enjoyed all of your Halloween art this year!

Eastside Cats said...

Athena, you look marvelous!
The Hubby and I had our first date at a Halloween Party, so we tend to celebrate it as a couple, and have never dressed up in costume since that first time!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

super cool artwork!

CRYSTAL said...

Great Artwork. I put my post link in the blog hop. Happy early Halloween.πŸŽƒπŸŽƒπŸŽƒπŸŽƒπŸŽƒπŸŽƒ

The Menagerie Mom said...

I think this is perfect Halloween art! I myself am a fan of Halloween, but I do certainly worry for all animals outside, as it can indeed be a dangerous night for them. I try to look out for the strays and ferals in my area, doing what I can to coax them to the shelter in my back yard so that they won't be out and about and in danger on Halloween night.