Sunday, 7 October 2018

Friendly Fill-Ins and Big-Eyed Sunday Selfie

Sunday Selfie

Friendly Fill-Ins with Four-Legged Furballs and 15andMeowing     Click here to join or to see other entries.

1. My favorite font is _________.

2. October is perfect for _________.

3. Where I live, _________.

4. I feel very _________ this time of year.

1. My favourite font is Brush Script which is what we use for my logo
2. October is perfect for snuggling with Mum.
3. Where I live, we have a woods nearby. It has always been my mum's dream to live near a forest. Now she has a beautiful view of the woods from her bedroom window where she does most of her writing. I hope this means she will be writing more books!
4. I feel very comfortable this time of year because it's not hot and it's not cold either.

1. My favourite font is anything that looks elegant and classic. Great Vibes is a good one which I use for my Purrs Full of Love blog.
2. October is perfect for getting cosy.
3. Where I live, I at last have the peace and quiet I longed for and beautiful nature on our doorstep. I lived in North London all my life (decades) and really wanted to escape and now I have just done that! Essex is just beautiful. I hope it stays that way.
4. I feel very much more settled this time of year. I am not as stressed as I am in summer. I don't like summer at all. Autumn and winter are my favourite seasons. After Christmas, I start getting panicky about spring and summer. I suppose it's Summer SAD reversed.

Sunday Selfies with The Cat on my Head


Erin the Cat Princess said...

A full frame selfie face of love and longing and delight! Have a great Sunday, full of purrs and sun puddles

The Florida Furkids said...

Beautiful selfie and great fill-ins!

The Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

Athena! You have the most gorgeous eyes! And I LOVE your fill-ins. (Your Mum's too) and I do like October, I just wish it was not so rainy.

pilch92 said...

Such a pretty selfie. Thank you both for participating in the fill-ins; I always enjoy your answers. I am glad you are in a nicer setting now and hopefully you will be inspired to write more. I am exactly the same way and get sad right after Christmas. Have a wonderful week! XO

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Athena you look gorgeous! I am like Mom, I would love to live in a forest too!

The Swiss Cats said...

Great answers and beautiful selfie ! Purrs

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a lovely selfie with your big beautiful eyes.

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

Athena, you always look lovely in your selfies.

meowmeowmans said...

We always love you and Mum's answers, Athena, and your selfie is just purrfect!

Summer said...

What big eyes you have, Athena!

Sherri-Ellen T-D. said...

Purrfect selfie Athena....yore eyes are so soul full...mee will do a selfie next Sunday. (LadyMummy was away yesterday.)
**purrsss** BellaDharma

Dash Kitten Crew said...

You are a beautiful lady. I am so glad you have a loving home with your special mum!

Sorry we are late, we lost our internet and website for almost a whole day. We are back for the selfies now and its good to see you.

Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Another awesome selfie! You have gorgeous green eyes just like my Bear Cat! I know you're a blotched tabby and Bear's a mackerel tabby - but just that head shot is almost identical! You have a bit more expressiveness in your face.

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

We can picture you mom sitting behind her desk writing beautiful stories and looking to the trees to give her inspiration, Athena and of course to see your face to do the same :) Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend 🐾😽💞