Friday, 26 October 2018

Happy 7th Blogoversary to us!

I can't believe Mum forgot so I had to remind her that it is our 7th Blogoversary!

Oh, Mummy, why are you forgetting such important matters. Where is your mind at?

Our very first post was on 26th October 2011. I was still a kitten! Just 5 months old. And since then we've met some wonderful furiends and their lovely humans.

We thank you all for joining us and making blogging fun, educational and inspirational! Big warm hugs and purrs to you all! πŸ’œπŸ’šπŸ˜½πŸ˜˜

Don't forget to join us for Caturday Art tomorrow.


Summer said...

Happy blogoversary, Athena!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Wishing you a Happy 7th Blogoversary!!!!! Here's to many, many more!

The Swiss Cats said...

Happy Blogoversary ! We wish you many many more ! Purrs

Three Chatty Cats said...

A very big Happy 7th Blogoversary!!!

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Happy blogoversary, dear friends! You bring us so much happiness and love with each post!

catladymac said...

Happy Blogoversary - and many more ! Thanks for sharing your baby pictures Athena !

Anonymous said...

Athena, My Mom says she can't believe it has been this long! Queen Penelope started blogging in 2009. We are late, but I, Marvelous am singing you the song anyway!
♫♪♥♥♥♥♫♪Happy Blogoversary to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Blogoversary to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Blogoversary Dear Athena and Marie!!!!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Blogoversary to you! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Thank you, dear friends!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Peaches and Paprika said...

Happy Blogoversary! Love your orange cat card!

Eastside Cats said...

Happy Blogoversary! 7 years, that's terrific!