Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Tuxie Tuesday #adoptdontshop

As it's Tuxie Tuesday today (and Charity Tuesday), we're sharing this handsome Tuxedo cat on the blog today to help him find a forever home. 

(Photo: Wood Green, The Animals Charity)

His name is Ozzy. He is 7 years old and as you can see, he is very handsome. Ozzy is looking for a new home, "although not just any home". He tells me he is seeking "a very particular and special type of home where he can be himself." 

If you live in England and interested in adopting Ozzy, he is at the Heydon branch of Wood Green, The Animals Charity. Find out more about him HERE.


All proceeds from A Forever Home For Athena will be donated to the following charities:

Wood Green The Animals Charity
Greek Cat Welfare Society
Cats Protection



More homeless pets looking for forever homes can be found on my Mum's Pinterest Pet Rescue board.
Disclosure: I received no compensation for this post. As a rescue kitty myself I want to help other rescues find their forever home, so each week on Charity Tuesday I share adoptable cats from Wood Green, the Animals Charity (which is where I was rescued) and some other charities dear to our hearts. Mum and I are so grateful to Wood Green because without them we would never have found each other! Please note however that this post does contain some affiliate links. This means if you click on the Amazon links to purchase any of the items featured, I will receive a small affiliate commission. We are not affiliated with any charity mentioned in this post.


Lola The Rescued Cat said...

Ozzy is handsome indeed. Paws crossed for his forever home

Eastside Cats said...

Ozzy, there are going to be many cat women swooning over you!

Summer said...

Ozzy looks like a real sweetheart!

The Swiss Cats said...

Ozzy is beautiful, we hope he finds a forever home very soon. Purrs

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

What a handsome boy! All dressed up and ready to go!

pilch92 said...

Such a handsome boy. I hope he gets his forever home soon. XO

Katie Isabella said...

Thank you Athena...he IS handsome. He would be young for me, but I'd like to flirt with him f he were here with us.

meowmeowmans said...

Ozzy, nothing wrong with wanting to be in a home where you can be yourself. Good luck, handsome boy! We will share1