Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Greek Cat Rescue Charities to Follow on Instagram #charitytuesday

Though we are a UK cat blog, we also want to help animals from around the world. We feel that this is really important as some of the most amazing hard-working non-profits often get overlooked. We have huge respect for the pawsome people out there working hard and volunteering to help homeless cats and other animals in parts of the world where, unfortunately, animals don't seem to matter much - or not at all 😧😿  

We're sure those of you who holiday abroad have witnessed all the stray cats hanging around various holiday resorts. These cats rely on tourists for food but when the tourists leave these poor cats can starve, unless of course, some kindly locals help feed them. However, there are so many unneutered cats everywhere and these great charities do their utmost to help control cat overpopulation through their trap-neuter-return programmes.

These charity organizations also need funds to help improve the quality of life of the many street cats through daily feeding programmes and veterinary care. 

Most of these amazing volunteers dedicate all their spare time to help these poor felines and often will have no shelter facilities and receive no state funding. 

Most of the charities are also dedicated to finding forever homes for these stray or abandoned cats and kittens.

Today we have some Greek cat charity Instagram accounts for you to check out and follow if you are on Instagram too! 




A post shared by Greek Cat Welfare Society (@greekcatwelfaresociety) on




A post shared by Syros Cats (@syroscats) on

Feel free to comment below if you have ever adopted a cat from abroad, have volunteered or volunteer for an international cat charity or if you have witnessed any of these homeless cats yourselves whilst on holiday/vacation. 





All proceeds from A Forever Home For Athena will be donated to the following charities:

Wood Green The Animals Charity
Greek Cat Welfare Society
Cats Protection



More homeless pets looking for forever homes can be found on my Mum's Pinterest Pet Rescue board.
Disclosure: I received no compensation for this post. As a rescue kitty myself I want to help other rescues find their forever homes.

Athena Cat Goddess is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.


Eastside Cats said...

I didn't see a single live cat while visiting the UK last year...I was bummed out! I donate to Hiba Shelter, on the West Bank in Palestine. There are so many worthy groups to donate to and volunteer with, so in general, I keep to Michigan and America. When I retire, I will have the time and energy to branch outwards!

Summer said...

It's so important to control the population of stray kitties by TNR! I wish it was more prevalent than it is now.

pilch92 said...

I wish I could afford to help them all. XO

meowmeowmans said...

Thank you for helping kitties everywhere, Athena and Mum Marie. We will share, of course. XO

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

So many cats to love ... so little time!