Sunday, 28 April 2019

Greek Easter Sunday Selfie and Friendly Fill-Ins

Happy Sunday and Happy Easter to all my Greek furry friends and your families! And of course, anyone else who is celebrating today.

Today's selfie is this one which I like a lot, not simply because I'm looking beautiful as always, but just look at the spring-like colours! I was sitting on the dining table near the front window and the sun shone in as I chewed my kitty grass. Mum came in the room and when she saw me sitting like this after I stopped chomping on the grass she gazed in admiration and told me I looked like a beautiful statue so she picked up her iPhone and helped me take this "selfie".

The sun hasn't been shining much here in Essex lately but I hope it's been shining near you. In fact, it's been quite a windy day so I've been snuggling with Mum and taking long naps!

Enjoy your Easy Sunday!


Join The Cat on My Head for more Sunday Selfies!

Friendly Fill-Ins with 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs.
1. I got my first cell phone in ____________.
2. I wish the word __________________ could be removed from the English language.
3. I’ll never outgrow _________.
4. _________ make(s) me feel old.

1. I got my first cell phone in 2001. My dad got it for me as a present. We call them mobile phones in the UK.
2. I wish the word celebrity could be removed from the English language. Most of these mere mortals are annoying, especially these days when anyone with zero talent can be a "celebrity".  "Reality star" is another 😠
3. I'll never outgrow my love for cats and music.
4. The music most of the younger generation is into makes me feel old. I don't care for it either. Yes, it's just noise! I love music: from Metal to Classical, and I was a teen during the 80s so to me the music of the "good old days" was way better. I also love the 60s and 70s (and some 90s).

1. I got my first cell phone in (why would a cat need a cell phone?
2. I wish the word NO could be removed from the English language. I don't like it when Mum says NO to me!
3. I'll never outgrow my love for treats and kisses from Mum. I love cuddles too.
4. The younger kitties I see around here make me feel old.

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Erin the Cat Princess said...

That is a lovely stance, and a nice viewpoint guess, too?
I have some grass just like yours, but alas I just dont like it. Mrs H says I am too fussy, me—I think I just prefer meat to veg ;) MOL

Smudge said...

Yay for the long naps with your Mum!

meowmeowmans said...

THat's a super statuesque selfie, sweet Athena. Happy Greek Easter to you and Mum! XO

Katie Isabella said...

Your mom and mine like the same music. And your mom and mine totally and completely are the same about celebrities. I know my mom never takes the time to read about them, watch them or keep up with them. She truly does not care.

pilch92 said...

Beautiful selfie. And thank you both for participating in the fill-ins. I always enjoy your answers. I don't like these so-called celebrities either like the Kardashians- all that money and they spend it on clothes and jewelry instead of helping people and animals. And I don't like today's music either. Athena, you are a kitten as far as I am concerned so never feel old. Have a great week! XO

Catscue Catmom said...

That is a beautiful selfie Athena! Happy Easter!

Valentine said...

You ARE a lil' statuette there in that window by your grasses. I have a pot of grasses but Mom has me on a ration -- she only lets me eat a few bits at one sitting. Does Miss Marie do that to you, too? Hugs.

The Island Cats said...

What a nice selfie, Athena. We'd like to nom that patch of grass behind you.

Lone Star Cats said...

Great selfie!

I'd like to remove "no" too!

The J-Cats said...

That is a beautiful selfie, Athena. It really accentuates your eye colour.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Erin - I like grass as it helps me digest the meat better :)

Valentine - Yes, Mum doesn't let me eat too much in one sitting :)

Summer said...

What a lovely selfie, Athena!

Sherri-Ellen T-D. said...

Utterlee speck-tack-ular Selfie Athena! You did pawsum!
***purrsss*** BellaDharma

Eastside Cats said...

Pretty Athena! I know, I know...I type the same thing every time, but it's the truth!
I read a lot of books written by English writers, so I am very aware of saying 'mobile' instead of 'cell', like us Yanks do!

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

Aww..such a sweet, almost shy look sweet Athena❤Grass is yummy for the tummy. We totally agree with the celebrities. It seems so easy to be one nowadays. Pawkisses for a Happy Tuesday🐾😚😻

The Menagerie Mom said...

I'm yet again late to visit, but I want to thank you both for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! Oh my goodness, I share your exact sentiments on "celebrity" folks. They're just humans. Why do people act like they're so much more? Athena, surely you don't very often hear the word "no"? We bet you don't hear it often at all. Purrs!