Saturday, 27 July 2019

Heatwave #CaturdayArt

Happy Caturday!

Mum is rushing this post today because the heatwave of the last few days has totally taken its toll on her and she's behind on blogging duties. It's made her so ill and sweaty that all she can do is lay on the bed with the fan blowing - just like me!

In the UK, we had the hottest July day ever on Thursday. It got to 38 Celsius in the town where we live in Essex (about 100 Fahrenheit).

We know some of you have had it worse. In France, Belgium, Holland and Germany and other places it got to above 40c. It's horrifying, isn't it?

Climate Change is real, people!

Anyway, here's our art for today.

LunaPic: Tuscany

Lunapic: Sketch 3

Join us for the Caturday Art Blog Hop Every Saturday

Pet photo art using filters. 
Cat art (not on the actual cat). 
Animal art (not on the actual animal). 
Your own drawings or paintings of animals.
 Just keep it safe, clean and respectable! 
Purrs and peace to you all 😻


pam said...

We finally cooled off this week! I hope you all get some relief!

catladymac said...

It cooled off after a week of 90 degrees, but we think you have it even hotter. Purrs to stay well !

Summer said...

My human is totally upset by all the people in her country in utter and complete denial of climate change. She does not understand how so many stupid people can exist in one place.

Cathy Keisha said...

I love the first art piece. We had 100F for a few days and than it cooled down. I hope you will too. As I'm sure you're aware of, we have one political party who denies climate change exists.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

The heat has been very draining, but also the mostly 95% and higher humidity which I find worse. Today it is much cooler at last and the humidity is down to 82% and should drop significantly more through the day.
The art is lovely and the Tuscany effect is my favourite.

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Athena, you and your Mum never disappoint! We hope your Mum is feeling better soon!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Very pretty sweet Athena and I sure hope some cooler temps find you soon.

pilch92 said...

Sorry it is so hot. I don't like the summer and heat either- I look forward to the fall. Beautiful art. Thanks for hosting. Have a nice weekend- hopefully cooler. XO

Eastside Cats said...

I cannot imagine how you all are coping with the heat; may the cold front arrive NOW!

World of Animals, Inc said...

We hope you have better weather soon. Just relax with mom in bed and let the fan keep you both cool. Love the Caturday artwork you shared, Athena. Have a relaxing rest of your weekend.
World of Animals

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh my I feel so bad for you! We have had it super hot too, but we are more equipped for it. You are right, climate change IS real. Maybe one day Trump will get that through his thick skull but I doubt it...........and...........your art is delightful!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

We're not quite that bad but the heat is just horrible. You don't feel like doing a darn thing you don't have to. Lovely art, ladies.

Kitties Blue said...

Athena, our mom says she knows just how miserable your mum is. Ours cannot tolerate any kind of heat or humidity. Climate change is real. Those who don't think so are just DUMB! We really like both the effects you used today. At first we thought we liked #2 best, but then we examined the other and really like all the colors. You are lovely in both. Thanks for having this hop. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

meowmeowmans said...

That heat sounds horrid, Athena. We had heat indexes of 44 C / 110 F last week ...ugh.

Stay cool, okay? Hugs to you and Mum. XO

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

What a beautiful picture and Aertwork of you, sweet Athena. It finally cooled down to 19°C, that's almost 25°C difference from how it was. We have a lot of rain and thunder, but we can breathe again. Hope you will too soon🙏COOL Pawkisses for a wonderful week ahead🐾😽💞

The Swiss Cats said...

Nice art ! We hope the temperatures finally cool down ! Purrs

The Florida Furkids said...

We like both pieces of artwork but the sketch is our favorite. Stay cool!

The Florida Furkids