Thursday, 8 August 2019

Happy International Cat Day!

Happy International Cat Day!

It's always cat day for us but it's great to have a day like today to celebrate cats and for the world to be reminded of our awesomeness 😻

As it's also Throwback Thursday we are sharing this photo from late 2013 and if it looks familiar it's because we've posted it before and Mum also used it for the paperback cover of The Cat Years: How My Cat Soulmates Saved Me.

tabby cat close up

Right, book plug over now let's help some cats - the real purrfect way to honour International Cat Day, is it not? 

Adopt a Cat

Sad to see that these two wonderful chaps are still at Wood Green, The Animals Charity (where I was adopted from).

We've featured them before on this blog and we can't understand why they have not yet met their forever human.

So we are sharing them again. They deserve it on this special day!

Keano (Photo: Wood Green)

Ozzy (Photo: Wood Green)

To find out more about Keano please click here

To find out more about Ozzy please click here

Help Save The Scottish Wildcat

Did you know that today is also Scottish Wildcat Day?

Scottish Wildcat 
photo credit: Peter G Trimming 'Kendra' (3) via photopin 

The elusive Scottish Wildcat is a descendent of the European Wildcat that colonized Britain around 9,000 years ago and due to deforestation and the loss of habitat in Britain, there are only a few of them now left in Scotland. It's heartbreaking to know that these beautiful wildcats are on the brink of extinction.

Save the Scottish wildcat by protecting Clashindarroch Forest

Please sign this petition urgently calling on the Scottish Government to immediately halt the logging and exploitation of Clashindarroch Forest to ensure the iconic Scottish wildcat survives.

The Scottish Wildcat is one of the rarest animals in the world; there are only 35 of them left on earth. A third of them live in the publicly owned Clashindarroch Forest in the Scottish Highlands, but they are in danger from logging by the Scottish Government’s Forestry Commission Scotland. If this doesn’t stop immediately, the wildcat will become extinct"


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Catscue Catmom said...

I didn't know the Scottish Wild Cat was endangered, thanks for the info.

You are beautiful as always Athena, Happy World Cat Day!

Eastside Cats said...

There isn't a cat that I don't love, anywhere it is in the world.
Happy World Cat Day!

World of Animals, Inc said...

Happy World Cat Day!!! We hope you had a wonderful time celebrating today. The throwback photo of you is adorable. We hope those two kitties find forever homes soon. Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Happy International Cat Day!! Great idea to post a Throwback photo, wish I had thought of that! Love everything about this post, this is what the day is about!! xoxo

Dash Kitten Crew said...

Happy International Cat Day Athena! Have a good one!

pilch92 said...

Happy International Cat Day! I will go sign that now. XO

Summer said...

Happy World Cat Day! And I hope those kitties find homes soon.

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Count us in for the celebration!