Monday 2 March 2020

Songs with Names in Title #mewsicmovesme

Happy Monday!

Mum is extremely honoured to be a co-host for Mewsic Monday this March! We have chosen songs with names in the title.

Thank you, Cathy, of Curious As A Cathy for inviting me to co-host!

And now let's get on to our Mewsic Choices! Mum picks and I just listen 😻

The first track is the obvious choice for Mum Marie.
Fun fact: My mum's birth name is Maria but she's never felt at home with it. It just doesn't resonate with her, and Marie does. Even at school people called her Marie and not Maria, so it stuck. It's the same name anyway - Marie is the French form of Maria and Mary.

 ELVIS PRESLEY - Marie's The Name (His Latest Flame)


 THE WHO - Athena


 THE BEATLES - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds















cat listening to music graphic

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XmasDolly said...

Hey there girlfriend, Thank you so much for being our Honorary Conductor today! I love the theme you have picked too! Ahhhhhhhh Great minds think alike that's for sure. I too had Layla & I almost had Fleetwood Mac too, bu thought I'd have a different one. I totally forgot the song "Marie" that Elvis did. That's my real name. hahahaha Well, I just know we're going to have great fun this month with you & I hope you do too! WOO HOO! You have ROCKED the HOUSE! WOO HOO!!!! HUGS

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh my goodness, that is a totally purrfect selection on NAME songs, we like all of those!

Lone Star Cats said...

Pawsome song choices!

CAAC said...


Oopsy, at first I thought I made a mistake on the spelling of your name. It wouldn't be the first time to make such a goof. I think Maria is a pretty, pretty name. In fact, one of my girl friends in high school had that name and I had no problem with calling her Maria and I don't think others did, either. Sometimes names have a way of getting stuck wrong in people's minds. For the life of me, I can't figure why my grandmother always spelled my name with a 'K' but she did all of my life. lol

'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds' brings back fond memories/feelings from yesterday. When I was looking for songs this week, I came across a few song titles by Nightwish for this week's theme but I knew you'd probably use them in your playset I held off using one of their titles. However, I don't recall coming across 'Eva'. What a lovely melody this song is, too. Thanks for the introduction.

Thanks for being this month's honorary co-hostess on the 4M dance floor, my love. Have a wonderful week!

songbird's crazy world said...

Purrfect choices, especially those first two songs. "Lucy in the Sky" seems to be a favorite around here. I'm a huge fan of Fleetwood Mac. And Clapton? OMG.

You picked a great theme this week.

pilch92 said...

Very impressive list. I didn't know there was a song titled Athena. I went with Lucy in the Sky too, but I went with Elton John's version. Thanks for hosting. XO

John Holton said...

Great set here! You could almost do a whole set just from The Beatles, you know?

csuhpat1 said...

Great songs and a great quote. Very nice.

Timmy Tomcat said...

Great picks Athena. Dad says he has not heard Hey Joe in ages. We went on UTube to listen. Yeah!

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

Greg says he will probably have to write his own song to get his name in the title!

Alana said...

First, thank you for the rockin' theme - so many to choose from and you have a nice assortment here. Rhiannon, especially, brings back so many memories of a time I cherish. I picked a cover of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. The Kaiser Chiefs song was brand new to me and I enjoyed it. Thank you again for your honorary conductor choice; it was a good one!

Valentine said...

Mom smiled big when she saw that you included and Elvis track. She's a huge Elvis fan. Thanks for getting her up off her chair and wanting to dance. Purr purr purr.

BellaDharma'ss LadyMew said...

Rock on Athena!!! LadyMew sayss this is one of her faverite songss with a name in it:
Hope you likess it!!LadyMew'ss Brother-Inn-Law many yeerss ago used to sing this song to her....not sure why butt it makess LadyMew smile to this day?!?!?
**purrss** BellaDharma

Cathy Keisha said...

Cool song choices. I kind of miss doing the Music Monday posts. When I saw your first picks, I thought of the Blasters' Marie Marie.

Catch My Words said...

Wonderful songs! Thanks for posting.

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

Great songs, Athena and Mary. We liked them all😸Pawkisses for a Happy Wednesday🐾😽💞

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Great choice of songs and I listened to them all again today while I was commenting on other blogs.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

How did I not realize you were co-hosting this month?!?!?! You made some great choices. I'm laughing now because I did my post and chose a song for Mudpie, but not Sweet Melissa for me. I'm just too much of a country girl to veer away from that genre.