Monday 10 August 2020

Bands Beginning With The Letter L #mewsicmonday

Happy Mewsic Monday!

No theme today apart from our own thing we do on alternate weeks of the Mewsic Moves Me party/blog hop.

We are on L bands today. Did you know that it's National Lazy Day today? We've only just found out and now you have too so here's a lazy pic of me. And it's been too hot to do anything so Mum and I are taking it easy. Mum isn't feeling well. The heat really gets to her. I told her the best thing to do during a heatwave is just lie down all day and don't move.

tabby cat on bed

So, let's start our Mewsic Monday playlist!

Led Zeppelin -  Rock and Roll

John Lennon -  Nobody Told Me

Leona Lewis - Run

Annie Lennox - Love Song For a Vampire

We are also joining Comedy Plus for

Monday's Music Monday
hosted by
Curious as a Cathy

 Athena Cat Goddess is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.


My GBGV Life said...

Bummer Mom has a mountain of work to do because she is worn out from the weekend and would love to have a lazy day today!

CAAC said...

Athena & Marie,

I don't like the heat, either. The humidity makes it even worse. Ugh! This morning is really uncomfortable. I'm resisting for as long as I can before turning on the AC, though. I enjoyed your 'L' song mewsic set. I, especially liked Leona Lewis' "Run" which was quite lovely. Thanks for joining the 4M crew on the dance floor. I hope you're feeling better. Stay indoors with the AC on as much as possible. Be safe and well, my furriends!

DrillerAA said...

Thankfully, being retired, I get to pick the days I want to be a little on the lazy side and the days I want to be industrious. I have to admit Led Zeplin is my favorite group here this morning. As a young adult of the late sixties some of these bands, like Jefferson Airplane, Cream, Steppenwolfe, had multiple albums in my collection, but Led Zeplin was at the top of the list. Have a blessed day.

Sandee said...

We had a busy weekend so I intend on being lazy today. Being retired I can be lazy almost any day.

Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Goddess Athena. My best to your mom. ♥

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's a cute photo sweet Athena and great band choices too!

songbird's crazy world said...

XmasDolly said...

Whoa Girl, you have really rocked the house!!! Woo Hoo! Annie Lennox I haven't heard that tune in forever. Some great song choices here girlfriend! You have rocked the house for sure! Thanks for the trip of life fantastic for sure! Have a great week and stay safe! hugs

csuhpat1 said...

Such a nice set of tunes. Thanks for sharing them with us. Love the John Lennon tune.

Alana said...

Heat and humidity are the worst. I used to dread August when I was younger (now I dread winter, but that's another story). I knew the first two songs; did not know the last two. Both are amazing vocals. Thank you for introducing me to Leona Lewis. I did know Annie Lenox but not that song, which I understand came from the movie "Dracula". Was never much of a movie goer.

pilch92 said...

I love the John Lennon song. I hope the heat goes away soon so your mum feels better. XO

Furries said...

Athena, you look positively exhausted!

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Song For a Vampire did indeed come from Bram Stoker's Dracula - one of Mum's fave movies!

meowmeowmans said...

We have heat and humidity here, too, Athena and Mum, and we concur ... it's terrible. We sure hope things cool off soon, and that Mum Marie feels better!

Stacy Uncorked said...

Oh man! You mean I missed National Lazy Day?! I better make a note for next year... ;) We're having a crazy heat wave out here in the PNW, too - thankfully we don't get the humidity (much) but as of this moment, it's 103, with a 'feels like' 106! Crazy! It's supposed to be hot again tomorrow, but at least 10-degrees cooler (fingers crossed). We don't have central air, so I'm thankful my office/craft room/computer is down in the basement. ;) Love all your song picks! Thanks so much for the dance - stay cool!