Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Adopt A Less Adoptable Pet Week #WhiskersWednesday

As a rescue pet adopted back in 2011 from Wood Green, The Animals Charity  I always do my best to advocate for animal adoption.

I was a cute 10-week-old kitten when I got adopted, by Mum Marie and it's a fact that kittens do get adopted quicker than older cats. 

So as it's Adopt A Less Adoptable Pet Week Mum and I would like to help those that unfortunately have a hard time getting adopted. It's very sad that some animals just get left behind in shelters while others come and go.

If you live in the UK then CatChat.org, which is now celebrating 20 years of helping cats find their forever homes, is currently running the campaign "Twenty for 2020" to help the most overlooked cats get adopted.

cats for adoption graphic

For those on the other side of the pond please check out PETFINDER  and ASPCA and NYC Urgent Cats on Facebook


We are raising awareness and donations with our ADOPT DON'T SHOP design available only from our Redbubble store. ALL proceeds will be donated to Wood Green, The Animals Charity and The Greek Cat Welfare Society.

We are joining Comedy Plus
We are also joining Waiting Wednesday, which is hosted by

Athena Cat Goddess is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a lovely photo of you, Athena.
It is sad that some cats spend so long in shelters.

My GBGV Life said...

Our kitties were adopted as adults, but Mom won't do that again. It just doesn't work well for her, so she will go with a kitten next time. Everyone has to do what is right for themselves.

Sandee said...

Every kitty should have a forever home.

Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

Brian's Home Blog said...

We always hope more and more adoptions happen and keep happening!

Eastside Cats said...

We've adopted all of our kitties; some from actual rescue groups, others from the yard or from friends. In the future, we'll always aim toward rescue groups.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

There's nothing more important than getting the word out about adoption!

pilch92 said...

I hope all these kitties get forever homes soon. XO

meowmeowmans said...

That's a really good campaign, Athena. We hope those kitties find their forever homes real soon.

Hugs to you and Mum. XO

Summer said...

I wish there was no such thing as a "less adoptable" pet - they are all precious, and humans should know that.

Ida said...

Sounds like a very worthy organization. For us we've always adopted kittens because they are easier to integrate into a house with older cats then another older cat would be.

Gigi said...

The Human 'dopted me as a kitten but she has adopted grown-up kitties before. She says she likes that because you can really know the kitty's personality if they are adults.

Katie Isabella said...

Mom said she has adopted those just outside of kittenhood, and young adults.