Friday, 27 August 2021

Purrs and Prayers Needed #CaturdayArt

I haven't been well this past week and I am hoping you can all send me purrs, prayers and healing vibes.

I went to the vet on Monday and Friday because all week I was fluctuating between feeling OK one minute and being ill the next. 

To cut a long story short before Mum loses her mind I have a urinary tract infection and I had some tests and may need more next week. You see the vet says I may have crystals or stones in my bladder and the tests will determine how they will be treated. I may need an operation.

Mum is sick with worry but trying hard to be strong while taking care of me. Please pray and purr for me, dear furriends.

Here is a quick arty photo of me. 

tabby kitty

Caturday Art is a chance for all pets and their humans to get creative
 with their photos. 
And if you're an artist feel free to share your animal art as well. We'd love to see it! But the focus of Caturday Art Blog Hop is to get artsy with your pet photos by adding filters (there are many free photo editors and apps available, as we're sure you all know.) Have fun!


  1. Oh no! I'm sending healing purrz. I really hope you don't need surgery. Comforting purrz for your mum. Your art is still lovely.

  2. Oh dear sweetie Athena, that's never fun and we're all sending our strongest purrs and prayers your way, and gentle hugs too.

  3. Athena we send purrayers and Power of the Paw to you and your Mum ! Hopefully your UTI can be helped with fluids and a change in diet.

  4. Us 6 angelic meezers are sending our best heavenly purrs and POTP your way. The pups add their POTP as well, and pawyers for a good and easy solution to your troubles, Athena.
    Feel better soon. ♥

  5. Oh Dear, Athena Me, Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo our Hairy Slobbery Sister Cinnamon and our Mom are all purraying for you! We are also sending your Mum love and strength! You look so wonderful in your art today, we hope you feel that way inside soon.

  6. Oh, no, no, no! Dear, sweet Athena, We can't have you being sick! We are sending you heaps and oodles of purrayers and healing vibes and POTP. Can you hear Us purring for you? We are also sending Vibes of Love and Strength to your Mum, so she can look after herself and you.
    Get well soon, darling girl.

  7. I am sending lots and lots of healing purrs your way, Athena.

  8. I am sending lots of good thoughts for you and your mum, Athena. Try and drink plenty of water to flush everything through. I hope you are soon feeling better.

  9. Paws together for you both, may wellness and good feelings be on its way to you.

  10. Athena, we are so sorry you are feeling poorly. We are sending POTP healing purrs and healing light and hope you are all better soon. Please drink as much water as possible and maybe your Mom can make you some chicken broth to drink. Your Mom needs to make it so it won't have salt. You just take a chicken breast (really any part of the chicken) NO seasoning and place it in some water and simmer it for a long time (it feels like forever cause it smells so yummy) until the chicken is done. Your Mom gets the chicken or she can cut it up in tiny pieces for you and you get the broth.

  11. We're sending out loud purrs and prayers. We hope you feel better soon.

    The Florida Furkids

  12. I am sorry you are not feeling well. I will be praying you get well soon and don't
    need an operation. Thank you for hosting. XO

  13. Sending purrs to you, Athena, and hugs to your momma.
    And hoping your vet has a good solution for you, sweetheart.

  14. Athena, you absolutely WILL be in my purrs and prayers. And that is a beautiful art picture of you. XXX

  15. Athena, we all have our paws crossed for you. We hope it is a simple UTI, and if it is crystals, that you will be able to pass them without the need for surgery.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  16. Get well wishes from Mickey Mouser, Rufus the Red, Ernie, and Maggie!

  17. Sending you and your mom tons of prayers. Prayers for strength for her and purrs and prayers that you get well, Athena. ♥♥♥

  18. Oh, sweetie, we'll send you lots of Healing Pawkisses and Purrayers to feel better soon๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—and for your mommie a big hug and one Extra Pawkiss๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ˜ฝ๐Ÿ’ž

  19. Oh Kittens gawjus, we're so sorry. Mommy had a kitty with this problem befur and it was miserable fur everypawdy. We're sending lots of hugs and purrayers. Feel better soon.

    Luvs ya'

    RaenaBelle and Zebby

  20. We're sending purrs and prayers and POTP your way sweet Athena, get the treatment you need and feel better soon. We're sending power pawsitives your Mom's way to help her through this. Hugs and chin scritches from the Catscue gang.

  21. Oh noes! Sendin' tons and tons of POTP your way gurl, and lots of AireZens for your knows they REALLY can worry abouts us. Lots of {{hugs}} too ♥
    Gets better soon!
    Ruby ♥

  22. Athena you are always so arty. Love it

  23. Beautiful Athena we are very sorry to hear you've been under the weather and we sending healing purrs and hugs to you and your Mom. We will hope for the best possible news next week from your Vet.

  24. Oh sweet girl!!! Sending you MANY, MANY healing purrs and prayers and lots of love to your Mum. Please tell Mum if she needs my Mum just give her a holler. Once, Angel Bobo had kidney stones (hoping it isn't that). I was sick earlier in the week (and Mom has been a wreck), we still aren't sure what was (or is) wrong......I was vomiting and wouldn't eat......went to the Vet and he saw white spots (tiny ones), that we are hoping was just cat litter. Now I am eating but of course Mom is still extremely worried. Sending lots of love to you and your Mum.......I know you are going to be ok Athena!! Love, Roary and Mom

  25. I am purring for you, Athena, and hope you feel better and won't need the surgery. ~Ernie

  26. Beautiful Athena, we are holding you and your Mum in our healing prayers.

  27. We send you lots and lots of AireZen and positive vibes, Athena, and hugs for your family.

  28. I am sending my prayers too. Crystals are no fun at all.

  29. We are purring for you, Athena! We've had those nasty things before and do not like!! (we are off fish 100% and haven't had any recurrence, knock on a wood mouse)

  30. Athena, you can depend on us for purrs and POTP and our mom for prayers. We know you are probably uncomfortable, and we really hope the vet can come up with the right treatment to get you back to 100%. Take care! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

  31. We will be purring and praying lots for you, Athena. Sending love and hugs to you and Mum.

  32. Would cranberry juice help?

  33. Healing Pawkisses and Purrayers continue, sweet Athena. Hope you feel better soon๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ˜ฝ๐Ÿ’ž

  34. Oh my dear, dear Athena, me and dad are sending our purrs and well wishes your way in hopes they help.

  35. Oh no Athena, we're sending oodles of healing purrs and hope mew feel much better soon! XX

  36. Athena we are purring and praying for you my sweet girl and hope you feel better soon

  37. Athena; we know you don't know us; we saw the post on the POTP and wanted to
    send good thoughts. May St Francis { patron Saint of animals } send
    healing blessings your way; we hope you don't need any surgery and the infection
    can be treated with a medication ~~~~~~~~~ ♥♥

    { Mackerull takes D-Mannose daily; if you can get this where you live; your mom
    might want to ask your vet about it }

  38. Mee-yow sweet athena an Miss Marie wee jsut foudn out yore not well.
    Sendin you quadrupell POTP an purrayerss an LOVE an {{{hugss}}}
    Miss Marie try an stay calm....iss hard wee knowss...
    Athena try an rest an keep hydrated.
    Pawss crossed no stoness or crystalss an no surgery....
    ***purrss*** yore frend BellaDharma an her BellaSita who sendss (((Hugss)))

  39. Oh, best wishes. Health scares are the worst.


Thank you for commenting!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie