Friday, 22 October 2021

Autumn Colours #CaturdayArt


My Caturday Art today celebrates the incredible beauty of autumn tones so Mum added these effects to my photo above. She first used Fall Graphics to add all the leaves from BeFunky and then went over to everyone's favourite, LunaPic, to experiment with some of the amazing arty effects available there. She settled on Redblush 26% and Cassatt 74%. I love it. Just look at my golden furs😻

She also made this jigsaw over at Jigsaw Planet


 Caturday Art Blog Hop

Caturday Art is a chance for all pets and their humans to get creative
 with their photos. 
And if you're an artist you are free to share your animal art as well. We'd love to see it! But the focus of Caturday Art Blog Hop is to get artsy with your pet photos by adding filters (there are many free photo editors and apps available, as we're sure you all know.) 
Have fun!

This post contains affiliate links. Full disclosure here. 

   Meowy Christmas Card available 

Sleeping Kitty Christmas Card


  1. Beautiful fall colors, Athena.

    Have a purrfect day and weekend. My best to your mom. ♥

  2. You look beautiful with Autumn sweet Athena!

  3. Love your ruddy color almost like an abbysinian. The art came great.

  4. Athena! Your painting today is incredible1 So beautiful and vibrant! We LOVE it! (and you! Whisker Kisses and Head bonks for you and your wonderful Mum)

  5. I love how you have become an autumnal kitty with those art effects:)

    Thanks for the puzzle, too:)

  6. The art and the colours are beautiful, and so are you. Thanks for the puzzle.

  7. Vibrant autumn tones indeed, sweet Athena! Fabulous artwork.

  8. They are delightful and subdued aumnal tones.

  9. That turned out really nice. Thanks for the puzzle.

  10. I love your fall art. This would be great on a large canvas. Thank you for hosting and for the puzzle. XO

  11. Your super art definitely gets us in the fall mood, Athena. Hugs to you and Mum!

  12. You look gorgeous, Athena, and I'm off to puzzle...thanks!

  13. We like the red blush and leaves it gave your art a nice Fall feel.

  14. Very lovely, as always, Athena. Thanks for the puzzle. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

  15. That color scheme looks great on you!

  16. That is a supurrb colour scheme, O Wise and Beauteous Athena.

  17. Beautiful art Athena, we haven't tried Lunapic for ages! Thanks for hosting and Happy Sunday sweetie xx


Thank you for commenting!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie