Sunday, 3 October 2021

Close-Up Sunday Selfie and Friendly Fill-Ins


tabby cat

We haven't been participating in the Friendly Fill-Ins lately because Mum has been feeling overwhelmed with a lot of stuff. However, we were touched when Ellen of 15andmeowing and co-host of the Friendly Fill-Ins blog hop commented last week that she missed us taking part so here we are participating this week. Ellen  co-hosts the hop with Lorianne from Four-Legged Furballs.


1. So far this year, I have accomplished ___________________________. 
2. My plans for October include ______________and ______________________.
3. _________ may be difficult, but it’s worth it. 
4. I don’t think I’ll ever master _________.

1. So far this year, I have accomplished hardly anything. It's been a tough year so far and I am overwhelmed. I don't feel like doing much at all.
2. My plans for October include doing what I always do and trying to look after my loved ones.
3. Being a mum (cat mum in my case) may be difficult, but it’s worth it. 
4. I don’t think I’ll ever master mathematics. I am useless with numbers. If there is a kind of dyslexia for figures then I think I have it. 

1. So far this year, I have accomplished getting Mum to do more for me.  
2. My plans for October include being a purrfect kitty as always and getting Mum to do everything I want. 
3. Trying to get Mum to feed me more may be difficult, but it’s worth it. 
4. I don’t think I’ll ever master writing but I have Mum for that!.

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Halloween Cat

We are joining The Cat On My Head for Sunday Selfies


  1. Beautiful selfie. Thank you both for participating in the fill-ins- great answers except I am sorry you are feeling overwhelmed. No worries about Math- that is what calculators are for. :) And I am glad you get your mum to feed you more Athena. XO

  2. Good fill ins and what a nice selfie. Hope things slow down a bit

  3. I know about the wanting to not do things sometimes. I am struggling a bit (meditation helps a bit)but I know we can ALL do his, and with our friends missing us we need to show them we care about them too.

    The UK needs more peaceful moments. Make sure you and Athena gat your own quiet corner.

  4. You aced those fill-ins, Athena.

  5. Those were good answers you two and that's a beautiful selfie sweet Athena!

  6. What a nice selfie, Athena. We hope things get a bit better for Mum Marie. This really has been a rough year. XO

  7. My human has been overwhelmed a lot too, but she seems to be coming out of it.

  8. Lovely selfie Athena. I am sorry your mum is feeling overwhelmed. The past 18 months, or to be more accurate the past 4 years have affected me in the same way.

  9. I love fill-ins Athena. I usually do them on Mom Ellen's page our Two Spoin\led Cat's page. I rarely do it on my own.

  10. Beautiful Close-Up Selfie, dear Athena. Dad says he's right there with your mom on the mathematics thing. Hopefully the overwhelm will dissipate and things will settle for your mom.


Thank you for commenting!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie