Friday 10 May 2024

What Time's My Fave Birdie TV Show On? #CaturdayArt

Why is Birdie TV late starting today? 

In this photo I'm gazing out of the window waiting for those birdies to appear. It's getting warm now so I'll be popping out into my catio once Mum opens the window.

For this week's Caturday Art Mum used BeFunky.
tabby cat looking out the window
BeFunky Oil Painting 4
tabby cat side profile gazing out the window
BeFunky Pastel
tabby cat gazing out the window
BeFunky Underpainting DLX
tabby cat side profile gazing out the window
Later: Here's a little video of me in my catio enjoying some sun and listening to birds singing but then I was rudely interrupted by a noisy droning car and airplane.


Jigsaw Planet  
preview110pieceCaturdayart 110524

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cat face on T-Shirt pen art


Brian's Home Blog said...

Very pretty you are sweet Athena!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

You sure are intently occupied to watch your birds!! NIce art effects, too!

The Florida Furkids said...

Beautiful! We like the Pastel best.

pilch92 said...

Beautiful art. My favorite is the pastel. Thanks for hosting and for the puzzle. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Hope it was a good show!

Linda said...

All the pictures look great! The catio looks so pleasant in the sunshine.

meowmeowmans said...

That's a lovely original, Athena, and the art is really dramatic!

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

That's a beautiful picture, sweet Athena and all the artwork turned out very beautiful too💗Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day to you and your mommy too🐾😽💞

The J-Cats said...

We love all the art, Athena - and hope you enjoyed the bird show. The video was furry cute too.

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Cute arty effects Athena, we love them all!