Sunday, 16 February 2025

Relaxing #SundaySelfie

It's another cold morning so I'm curled up on the sofa keeping warm. I will be taking a nap soon. Just waiting for Mum to finish the vacuum cleaning upstairs so I can go and sleep on the bed. Mum will join me.

Yes, as you can see, I'm pretty relaxed about the vacuum cleaner. It doesn't bother me unless it is right near me. Even then, I can sometimes be OK with it.
tabby cat sitting on back of sofa
We're joining The Cat On My Head for Sunday Selfies.


  1. Athena, I love that first photo a lot. Your beautiful tabby stripes are so tempting to pet and love on.

  2. You are made of brave stuff, Athena!

  3. Beautiful selfie and I like all the effects. XO

  4. Athena, I only get scared of the vacuum when it comes close to me. Enjoy your relaxing day! ~Murphy

  5. Your colour photo looks lovely. You have such richly coloured fur.

  6. Beautiful Athena times three!!! Happy Sunday.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  7. We love them all, but the first one is extra special, Athena.Your furs are so pretty!

  8. Beautiful images! Mudpie isn't that scared of the vacuum either. She was in the beginning, but has gotten used to it. I tell her she's way too big for it to suck her up!

  9. Such a beautiful selfie sweetest Athena!

  10. Aren't soft, warm beds just the best, Athena? I'm kinda the same as far as the vacuum goes. If it's right near me, I freak, but most times I don't even pay attention to it.


Thank you for commenting!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie