Friday, 28 February 2025

Tabby Greatness #CaturdayArt

Happy Caturday 😻 

What am I thinking?
tabby cat looking wise with questionable gaze
Crayon GFX
Pastel GFX
Comic Noir GFX
tabby cat wise and questioning gaze



Brian's Home Blog said...

You and your art are so darn pretty sweet Athena!

Eastside Cats said...

My favourite today is Pastel, Athena!
Off to puzzle...thanks.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your art is lovely. I can't decide between Crayon and Pastel which is my favourite.

pilch92 said...

I bet you are thinking, "when are you going to get my breakfast? " Gorgeous shot of you and I love all the effects- they bring out those beautiful eyes. Thanks for hosting and for the puzzle. XO

The Florida Furkids said...

You are thinking that it's time for treats! We like Crayon best.

Zoolatry said...

Obviously some very deep thoughts ...

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

"I wonder which filter brings out the best of me this week." And we think the first two filters, beautiful Athena, but actually you don't need a filter at all, as you are beautiful in yourself😻Double Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead to you and your mommy too🐾😽💞

meowmeowmans said...

Greatness, indeed, Athena! Well, we always think you're great. :)

The J-Cats said...

Each of these versions of you has something different to recommend it, so once again, We can't choose a favourite. They are all mewtiful.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Great photo of you, Athena!

Kitties Blue said...

We have no idea what you are thinking, Athena, but you look super serious and as gorgeous as ever. Thanks for the puzzle. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

Linda said...

Such an intense look!

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Looking epic as always Athena, and the pastel art effect is incredible!